ECE - Electrical and Computer Engineering
ECON - Economics
ECS - Education, Culture and Society
ED PS - Educational Psychology
EDTEC - Educational Technology
ELI - English Language Institute
ELP - Educational Leadership & Policy
ENGL - English
ENVST - Environmental and Sustainability Studies
ESL - English as a Second Language
ESS - Exercise and Sport Science
ESSF - ESS Fitness Courses
ETHNC - Ethnic Studies
MATH - Mathematics
MBA - Master Business Administration
MBIOL - Molecular Biology
MD CH - Pharmacy - Medicinal Chemistry
MD ID - Interdepartmental Medicine
MD LB - Medical Laboratory Science
MDCRC - Clinical Research Center
ME EN - Mechanical Engineering
MET E - Metallurgical Engineering
MG EN - Mining Engineering
MGT - Management
MID E - Middle East Language and Area Studies
MIL S - Military Science
MKTG - Marketing
MSE - Materials Science and Engineering
MST - Master of Science and Technology
MUSC - Music
PADMN - Public Administration
PATH - Pathology
PED - Pediatrics
PERS - Persian
PH MD - Phys Med & Rehabilitation
PH TH - Physical Therapy
PH TX - Pharmacology and Toxicology
PHCEU - Molecular Pharmaceutics
PHIL - Philosophy
PHYS - Physics
PHYSL - Physiology
POLS - Political Science
PREP - Preparatory
PROED - Professional Education
PRT - Parks, Recreation and Tourism
PRTL - PRT Outdoor Adventure - Land
PRTS - PRT Outdoor Adventure - Snow
PRTW - PRT Outdoor Adventure - Water
PSY - Psychology
PSYCT - Psychiatry
PTGSE - Portuguese