Attention: Classroom assignments may change between the time you
register and when classes begin. Please check your class schedule for the latest classroom location
information before attending class.
LING 3600 - 080 Cross-Cultural Comm
For class number and additional information contact the International Center at 581-5849, or visit their offices at Union 159.
LING 3600 - 080 Cross-Cultural Comm
- Class Number: 7662
- Component: Activity
- Type: In Person
- Units: 3.0
- Wait List: No
- Fees: $287.10
- Seats Available: 3
For class number and additional information contact the International Center at 581-5849, or visit their offices at Union 159.
PHIL 2080 - 090 Phil Issues Feminism
This is an online course. Please go to for class number and additional information or call 585-5959.
PHIL 2080 - 090 Phil Issues Feminism
- Class Number: 7264
- Instructor: BURROW, SYLVIA
- Component: Lecture
- Type: In Person
- Units: 3.0
- Wait List: No
- Fees: $25.00
- Seats Available: 11
This is an online course. Please go to for class number and additional information or call 585-5959.