Class # Subject Catalog # Section Title Enrollment Cap Wait List Currently Enrolled Seats Available
13665 PSY 101 001 General Psychology 2 0 0 2
5890 PSY 101 070 General Psychology 5 0 1 4
15119 PSY 201 070 Psy as a Sci & Profssn 2 0 0 2
9227 PSY 230 070 Adult Clinical Psych 2 0 0 2
13228 PSY 321 070 Development in Infancy 4 0 1 3
14760 PSY 345 070 Cross Cultural Psych 2 0 1 1
3035 PSY 1010 001 General Psychology 200 0 80 120
3036 PSY 1010 002 General Psychology 320 0 149 171
5889 PSY 1010 070 General Psychology 35 0 8 27
3037 PSY 1010 090 General Psychology 227 8 214 13
5439 PSY 2010 001 Psy as a Sci & Profssn 145 2 146 -1
14976 PSY 2010 070 Psy as a Sci & Profssn 28 0 24 4
5891 PSY 2010 090 Psy as a Sci & Profssn 190 2 184 6
11604 PSY 2100 001 Cognitive Psychology 92 0 91 1
4390 PSY 2100 090 Cognitive Psychology 89 1 81 8
12339 PSY 2200 001 Chldhd/Adlscnt Develop 90 0 91 -1
8584 PSY 2250 090 Personality Theories 135 2 127 8
18681 PSY 2300 001 Adult Clinical Psych 95 3 98 -3
9228 PSY 2300 070 Adult Clinical Psych 35 0 15 20
5597 PSY 2300 090 Adult Clinical Psych 50 7 49 1
3113 PSY 2500 001 Social Psychology 80 1 78 2
12688 PSY 2500 002 Social Psychology 60 1 61 -1
11605 PSY 2500 090 Social Psychology 75 0 74 1
18695 PSY 2710 001 Brain And Behavior 87 0 87 0
18696 PSY 2710 090 Brain And Behavior 57 5 58 -1
20789 PSY 2710 091 Brain And Behavior 76 1 71 5
3062 PSY 3000 001 Statistical Methods Psy 90 0 56 34
16303 PSY 3000 002 Statistical Methods Psy 15 0 14 1
3063 PSY 3000 003 Statistical Methods Psy 15 0 6 9
3064 PSY 3000 004 Statistical Methods Psy 15 0 16 -1
3065 PSY 3000 005 Statistical Methods Psy 15 0 4 11
5892 PSY 3000 006 Statistical Methods Psy 15 0 14 1
5598 PSY 3000 007 Statistical Methods Psy 15 0 2 13
11603 PSY 3000 008 Statistical Methods Psy 30 0 27 3
3070 PSY 3000 090 Statistical Methods Psy 180 0 80 100
3103 PSY 3010 001 Research Methods Psych 80 0 82 -2
3107 PSY 3010 002 Research Methods Psych 25 0 27 -2
3106 PSY 3010 003 Research Methods Psych 25 0 26 -1
7046 PSY 3010 004 Research Methods Psych 30 0 29 1
3108 PSY 3010 090 Research Methods Psych 60 0 59 1
12073 PSY 3010 091 Research Methods Psych 60 0 79 -19
7378 PSY 3040 090 Psych Of Gender 95 11 95 0
14999 PSY 3140 090 Cognitive Neuropsych 80 11 78 2
15005 PSY 3150 001 Sensation & Perception 95 0 94 1
18686 PSY 3150 090 Sensation & Perception 70 4 66 4
14631 PSY 3171 090 Human Factors & Ergon 74 0 67 7
18692 PSY 3215 001 Development in Infancy 70 0 67 3
9691 PSY 3215 070 Development in Infancy 36 0 26 10
10350 PSY 3215 090 Development in Infancy 50 8 48 2
19080 PSY 3250 070 Child Clinical Psych 32 0 29 3
7047 PSY 3250 090 Child Clinical Psych 80 9 76 4
15006 PSY 3260 001 Social Development 93 1 89 4
20238 PSY 3290 090 Biol Stress/Development 70 9 58 12
15049 PSY 3300 001 Infant Mental Health I 10 0 8 2
12686 PSY 3330 090 Clinical Stress Science 110 10 109 1
18677 PSY 3415 090 Social Cognition 65 7 62 3
12078 PSY 3450 001 Cross Cultural Psych 75 0 74 1
14741 PSY 3450 070 Cross Cultural Psych 30 0 28 2
18682 PSY 3450 090 Cross Cultural Psych 65 3 61 4
18684 PSY 3460 001 Health Psychology 80 0 79 1
18685 PSY 3460 002 Health Psychology 60 0 58 2
5893 PSY 3460 090 Health Psychology 79 5 75 4
12691 PSY 3960 001 Psych & Social Issues 40 1 33 7
15000 PSY 3960 090 Psych & Social Issues 74 12 74 0
18688 PSY 4130 001 Cognition in the Wild 15 0 11 4
18680 PSY 4131 001 Honors Cog. in the Wild 10 0 6 4
7049 PSY 4450 001 Intergroup Relations 60 0 42 18
8552 PSY 4955 001 Human Factors Project 15 0 8 7
18689 PSY 4963 001 Hon Top Per Soc Psy 25 0 13 12
6801 PSY 4998 001 Honors Thesis Research 10 0 6 4
3142 PSY 4999 001 Honors Thesis/Project 20 0 15 5
18693 PSY 5220 001 Cog Dev Across Lifespan 5 0 4 1
9343 PSY 5420 001 Mthds Social Psych 5 0 2 3
19594 PSY 5499 001 Intro to Quant Methods 10 0 6 4
3153 PSY 6100 001 First Yr Prof Dev II 15 0 14 1
3154 PSY 6130 001 Cns Research Group 15 0 12 3
18675 PSY 6140 001 CNS App Res 8 0 7 1
18699 PSY 6220 001 Dev Neuroscience 15 0 3 12
3155 PSY 6290 001 Dev/CCF Brown Bag 10 0 5 5
18672 PSY 6320 001 Dev, Psychopathology 8 0 5 3
18679 PSY 6360 001 Biol Bases Aff Cog Proc 15 0 13 2
8475 PSY 6420 001 Meth-Social Psychology 10 0 4 6
20583 PSY 6499 002 Intro to Quant Methods 10 0 3 7
3157 PSY 6510 001 Quantitative Methds II 20 0 15 5
7379 PSY 6535 001 Adv Research Methods 6 0 5 1
14629 PSY 6558 001 Multilevel Modeling 45 0 8 37
3158 PSY 6612 001 Clinical Assessment II 10 0 5 5
8633 PSY 6614 001 Assessment IV 8 0 2 6
3159 PSY 6890 001 Soc Psy Res Group 15 0 14 1
7537 PSY 6891 001 Clin Psy Res Group 15 0 6 9
6800 PSY 6960 002 Topics/Clin Psych (D) 7 0 0 7
19359 PSY 6961 001 Pract/Clin Psych (P) 10 0 5 5
3206 PSY 6961 003 Pract/Clin Psych (P) 6 0 2 4
9693 PSY 6961 004 Pract/Clin Psych (P) 6 0 2 4
3228 PSY 7350 001 Prac of Clinical Psych 30 0 11 19
19609 PSY 7750 001 Quantitative Psychology 10 0 4 6
18698 PSY 7960 001 Topics Develop Psych 10 0 7 3
19912 PSY 7964 001 Soc Psy Relationships 15 0 5 10
20927 PSY 7964 002 Soc Psy Relationships 15 0 0 15