Class # Subject Catalog # Section Title Enrollment Cap Wait List Currently Enrolled Seats Available
19288 PHIL 100 001 Intro: Survey of Philosophy 2 0 0 2
9425 PHIL 101 001 Intro: Ethical Dilemmas 2 0 0 2
19334 PHIL 103 001 Intro: Human Nature 2 0 0 2
14589 PHIL 1000 001 Intro Survey Philosophy 50 0 47 3
14590 PHIL 1001 001 Intro: Ethical Dilemmas 65 2 62 3
11596 PHIL 1003 001 Intro: Human Nature 80 0 74 6
1108 PHIL 2640 001 World Religions 100 1 95 5
10701 PHIL 2640 070 World Religions 40 0 29 11
7368 PHIL 2640 090 World Religions 70 31 75 -5
8662 PHIL 3011 001 Philosophy of ______ 10 0 7 3
14582 PHIL 3011 006 Philosophy of ______ 30 0 25 5
7663 PHIL 3013 001 Philosophy of _____ 25 0 23 2
11597 PHIL 3040 001 20th Century Analytic 25 0 20 5
18748 PHIL 3200 001 Deductive Logic 45 0 42 3
18749 PHIL 3300 001 Theory Of Knowledge 30 0 27 3
14581 PHIL 3350 001 Hist & Phil Science 25 0 25 0
18746 PHIL 3375 001 Phil Social Science 25 0 16 9
14584 PHIL 3380 001 Feminist Phil Science 35 0 29 6
20921 PHIL 3390 002 Tech & Design Ethics 5 0 5 0
9170 PHIL 3400 001 Mind, Lang, Reality 35 0 10 25
18758 PHIL 3440 001 Cognitive Science 30 1 29 1
9171 PHIL 3500 001 Ethics 35 0 31 4
13026 PHIL 3520 001 Bioethics 30 0 16 14
12646 PHIL 3520 090 Bioethics 50 7 57 -7
14591 PHIL 3530 001 Environmental Ethics 30 0 17 13
14592 PHIL 3700 001 Political Philosophy 25 0 20 5
12643 PHIL 3730 001 Justice & Int Affairs 30 2 30 0
12642 PHIL 3820 001 Meaning of Life 35 0 27 8
1111 PHIL 4010 001 Senior Seminar 25 0 19 6
18751 PHIL 5120 002 Advanced Early Modern 25 0 22 3
18753 PHIL 5210 001 Adv Inductive Logic 25 0 6 19
14596 PHIL 5350 001 Topics Phil Science 25 0 11 14
18755 PHIL 5400 001 Metaphysics 25 0 13 12
18756 PHIL 5500 001 Contemp Ethical Theory 25 0 18 7
18752 PHIL 6120 002 Adv Early Modern Phil 5 0 2 3
18754 PHIL 6210 001 Adv Inductive Logic 5 0 1 4
14597 PHIL 6350 001 Topics Phil Science 5 0 3 2
18759 PHIL 6400 001 Metaphysics 5 0 3 2
18757 PHIL 6500 001 Contemporary Ethics 5 0 4 1
14288 PHIL 6525 001 Genetics-Medicine-ELSI 5 0 2 3
5853 PHIL 6920 001 Practicum 30 0 16 14
2361 PHIL 7020 001 Sem Phil Traditions 25 0 16 9
2047 PHIL 7990 001 Continuing Regis., Ph.D 5 0 1 4