Course Detail
Course Components:
Special Topics
Enrollment Information
Enrollment Requirement:
Prerequisite: Completion of prior courses in physical therapy program curriculum.
Physical therapists traditionally deliver care within a third party payor reimbursement model. However, contemporary physical therapy practice has expanded to include alternate models of delivery of care, including but not limited to the PT as primary care provider and as coordinator of primary and secondary prevention programs. This course provides the student with an opportunity to present, analyze and integrate case studies of physical therapy practice as the provider for alternate models of care. Case studies are drawn from patients with simple to complex problems in the general medicine, cardiopulmonary, musculoskeletal, integumentary, and neuromuscular systems, and who present to the physical therapist as a first point of contact for health care. Emphasis is placed on the physical therapist's role, responsibilities, and risks when practicing as an entry point into the health care system and when participating in preventative programs. Additional emphasis will be on critiquing and designing fitness and wellness programs for populations with special needs. Programs will focus on those for employee fitness, diabetes, arthritis, osteoporosis, obesity and the elderly. Students will participate in and evaluate group treatments and recreational exercise.