Course Detail
Course Components:
Enrollment Information
Enrollment Requirement:
Prerequisites: 'C+' or better in ((SW 6001 AND SW 6002 AND SW 6030 AND SW 6040 AND SW 6110 AND SW 6120 AND SW 6140 AND SW 6240) OR (SW 6040 AND 6121 AND 6200)) AND Graduate Standing in Social Work
This required course provides in-depth training in specific evidence-based treatment modalities commonly used to treat criminal and juvenile offenders, families involved in the child welfare system, and victims of crime. The course uses an inquiry-based learning process to identify learning goals unique to student interest, community need, and evolving evidence base. The course stresses experiential learning, observation, feedback, and conscious use of self in developing practical clinical skills. Students rely heavily on cognitive and behavioral models and learn to implement interventions that emphasize social learning, skill development, and interdisciplinary collaboration in both community and institutional treatment settings. Students learn effective techniques for treating individuals, groups, and families who have been victims of crime or are involved in the criminal justice or child welfare system.