Course Detail
Course Components:
Enrollment Information
Enrollment Requirement:
Prerequisites: 'C-' or better in (IS 3060 OR IS 3061 OR IS 4410 OR IS 4411) AND (Full Major or Minor status in Information Systems OR Full Major status in Quantitative Analysis of Markets and Organizations)
Requirement Designation:
International Requirement
This course is designed to provide students with the awareness of the complexities of contemporary Information Systems on a global scale and teach skills for managing these complexities as well as the consciousness of the on-going dialogue gearing towards building consensus among these global ICT issues. It also teaches students how information culture may vary in different countries, how this variation may impact the adoption of information technologies, and how various information technologies can be used to strengthen the business competitiveness globally. The emphasis is placed upon the interaction of many technological, political, and cultural issues and on how advances in information technology are changing the way businesses are conducted today and in the future. Core concepts addressed in this course include global and cultural considerations surrounding: organization IT/IS strategy, system architecture, resource management, hardware/software sourcing, security and cybercrime, information system design, IT/IS governance & privacy, ethics and law pertaining to ICT, and managing IT resources.