Course Detail
Course Components:
Enrollment Information
Enrollment Requirement:
Prerequisites: 'C' or better in MATH 3100 AND MATH 4030
Math 5460 is an invitation to the academic culture of the mathematics teaching in secondary classroom (grades 6 through 12). You will learn research-based techniques and instructional strategies that encourage students in grades 6-12 to discover, create, appreciate, and engage in mathematics. You will learn (a) how to create and implement lessons and units; (b) support engagement with an asset-based approach consistent with the Utah Core State Standards mathematics curriculum. Through readings, classroom discussions and conversations, you will understand that math teaching is a complex endeavor, and while there is no panacea for effective teaching, this course will help you navigate your strengths and experiment with best teaching and reflection practices. This course incorporates 15 hours of field hours where you will visit diverse secondary classrooms for observations understanding school and class dynamics, student diversity, effective instructional techniques conducive to math teaching etc. Community/School field hours are expected to be completed as part of this class.