Course Detail
Course Components:
Special Projects
Enrollment Information
Enrollment Requirement:
Prerequisites: "C" or better in (CVEEN 4900 AND (CVEEN 4221 OR CVEEN 4222 OR CVEEN 5305 OR CVEEN 5420 OR CVEEN 5510 OR CVEEN 5570 OR CVEEN 5600 OR CVEEN 5605)) AND Senior Level Standing AND Major Status in Civil Engineering AND not on CVEEN Academic Probation.
Corequisites: Two of (CVEEN 4221, CVEEN 4222, CVEEN 5305, CVEEN 5420, CVEEN 5510, CVEEN 5570, CVEEN 5600, CVEEN 5605).
This course is part two of a two-course sequence (4900/4910) that provides a year-long design project experience. The second course focuses on development and delivery of preliminary and final engineering design documents. Both courses are experiential and team based.