Course Detail
Course Components:
Enrollment Information
Enrollment Requirement:
Prerequisites: 'C-' or better in ((BCOR 3010 AND BCOR 3020 AND BCOR 3030 AND BCOR 3040 AND BCOR 3050) OR (FINAN 3020 AND ENTP 3070)) AND Intermediate or Full Major or Minor status in the School of Business
This course teaches students important theories in strategy and allows them to apply the theories to real business situations through the extensive use of cases. Students learn key frameworks and analytical tools that help managers allocate company resources, and develop strategies to gain competitive advantages over rival firms. Course topics include industry analysis, internal analysis, business level strategies, diversification, strategic alliances, and mergers and acquisitions. The course carries a substantial reading and writing load. Students are expected to actively participate in class and case discussions.