Course Detail
Course Components:
Enrollment Information
Enrollment Requirement:
Prerequisites: LAW 7050
This course introduces students to the fundamentals and critical topics in the law of mergers and acquisitions and the financial and transactional issues that they present. The principal focus of the course will be on the corporate law aspects of these transactions, the business incentives of the parties to the transactions, and the documentation and negotiation of the deals. Ancillary legal areas, such as tax, securities, and antitrust, will also be touched upon. The course will also study acquisition agreements and the important contractual issues therein. Students will explore mergers and acquisitions transactions as attempts by the transaction parties to attain business goals and will learn how legal rules and documentation constrain and create opportunities for the parties’ ability to achieve their objectives. The real-world problems faced by parties involved in these transactions, as well as those of judges who must adjudicate these deals, are considered.