Course Detail
Course Components:
Enrollment Information
Enrollment Requirement:
Prerequisites: 'C-' or better in WRTG 2010 OR WR2 OR Writing Placement Essay score of 4+ OR Interstate Passport OR Assoc. Degree OR Bachelors Degree OR AP Lang/Comp score of 4+
Requirement Designation:
Upper Division Communication/Writing
This course prepares students to develop skills needed for writing in the Arts and Humanities. It introduces them to scholarly work in the field and teaches them to create arts-based research projects. The assignments are designed to get students to work creatively and professionally on different types of written and multimodal projects. Some of these assignments are artwork analysis/ argument analysis and arts-based research that are crafted to engage students critically in various artwork genres. Students will learn how arguments are created through art(s) and how they are structured to make meaningful statements. Students strongly advised to take WRTG 2010 or equivalent prior to this course.