Course Detail
2.0 - 4.0
Course Components:
Enrollment Information
Enrollment Requirement:
Prerequisites: A "Pass" in Pediatric 3rd Year Clerkship.
A 4th year pediatric inpatient and subspecialty elective at Utah Valley Hospital will integrate students into inpatient and subspecialty pediatrics at a regional medical center. Students will spend time on the inpatient wards at UVH and at their choice of several outpatient subspecialty clinics (Pediatric Infectious Disease, GI, Neurology, or Surgery). Students will be an integral part of the team and function as sub-interns. As such, they are fully responsible for patient care and evaluation, under direct supervision of the attending physician. This will give the student a unique and valuable opportunity to experience what various pediatric careers will be like on a day-to-day basis.