Course Detail
Course Components:
Enrollment Information
Enrollment Requirement:
Prerequisites: 'C-' or better in QAMO 3020.
Corequisites: QAMO 3040.
This is a course about how to analyze and interpret economic data and use it to inform decision making. The goals of the course are to 1) provide you with a broad and a balanced perspective on what data and evidence economic policymakers and business leaders use to understand the economy; 2) to introduce theoretical and analytical tools used to measure economic and financial conditions; 3) and to learn how to analyze and use economic data effectively in presentations and written work. The course is intended for sophomore, junior, and senior students who plan to pursue a business degree, including QAMO majors. Students should have taken an intro microeconomic theory class, and an intro econometrics class and have basic familiarity with Excel and Stata.