Course Detail
Course Components:
Enrollment Information
Course Attribute:
University Connected Learning
The Utah Municipal Clerks Academy and Institute is pleased to offer a new program targeted to seasoned MMC recipients. Each year we will offer a one-day professional education program that focuses on the development of a specific skill area critical designed to keep you abreast of industry best practices. This year, you'll learn essential Human Resource Management (HRM) tools and techniques. In the morning session, Managing Employee Performance, you'll learn how to create an organizational environment that draws the best from people and how system-thinking allows individuals to go beyond goal setting to organizational performance integration. You'll also engage in discussions on performance reviews and improvement plans. For the afternoon, in Succession Planning, you'll learn how succession planning is a resourcing activity and learn methods to identify talent, how to form an effective selection committee, and why and how this task is an integral part of HRM. Further, you'll have an opportunity to engage in a lively discussion with your peers about a variety of clerks and HRM-related issues.