Course Detail
3.0 - 4.0
Course Components:
Enrollment Information
Enrollment Requirement:
Prerequisite: NURS 6007, 6020, 6030, 6050; NURS 7460, 7650.
Students work with a preceptor in a critical/advanced, specialized health care setting to integrate and synthesize knowledge about health and disease, research findings, and an advanced knowledge of pharmacology and therapeutics. They apply this knowledge to the needs of patients and their families. Clinical conferences/seminars include discussion of nurse practitioner and clinical nurse specialist role within the context of the state and national health issues; presentation and analysis of clinical cases; discussion of selected clinical topics; acquisition of clinical skills using simulation models. This course is one of two advanced courses in clinical assessment and management of clients who are acutely or critically ill and those with acute exacerbation of chronic illness.