Course Detail
Course Components:
Enrollment Information
Enrollment Requirement:
Prerequisite: OIS 2340 or consent of instructor.
Course Attribute:
Honors Course
This course will review the core concepts of Operations Management and their application to modern business practice. We will (i) study rigorous analytical models used by cutting-edge films; (ii) play several "games" that realistically simulate intra- and inter- firm challenges; and (iii) learn how to employ these operational principles and models in both tactical and strategic decision making. We will make extensive use of business cases in a wide variety of domains, including hi-tech, retailing (on-line and off-line), health care, sports, entertainment and financial services. Topics covered in detail include operations strategy, process flow management, capacity planning, service operations, quality management, news vendor models, risk pooling strategies, revenue management and supply chain coordination. We will also discuss how supply chains evolve under technological change.