Departmental Advisors
Graduate Studies Office
Melissa Hall
214 OSH
Departmental Notes
For course descriptions and pre-requisite information click on the subject column next to the appropriate catalog number.
Attention: Classroom assignments may change between the time you
register and when classes begin. Please check your class schedule for the latest classroom location
information before attending class.
PADMN 6220 - 001 Con Law-Public Admin
PADMN 6220 - 001 Con Law-Public Admin
- Class Number: 13245
- Instructor: BENNETT, JARED
- Component: Lecture
- Type: In Person
- Units: 3.0
- Requisites: Yes
- Wait List: No
- Seats Available: 19
- Class Number: 15517
- Instructor: Catten, Richard
- Component: Lecture
- Type: In Person
- Units: 3.0
- Wait List: No
- Seats Available: 7
PADMN 6289 - 001 Research Design-P.A.
PADMN 6289 - 001 Research Design-P.A.
- Class Number: 7433
- Component: Seminar
- Type: In Person
- Units: 3.0
- Wait List: No
- Seats Available: 5
PADMN 6300 - 001 Administrative Theory
PADMN 6300 - 001 Administrative Theory
- Class Number: 7434
- Instructor: NELSON, STEVE
- Component: Lecture
- Type: In Person
- Units: 3.0
- Requisites: Yes
- Wait List: No
- Seats Available: 9
PADMN 6321 - 001 Health Policy
PADMN 6321 - 001 Health Policy
- Class Number: 13255
- Component: Lecture
- Type: In Person
- Units: 3.0
- Wait List: No
- Seats Available: -1
PADMN 6323 - 090 Policy Analysis
This class has one suggested in-class meeting on March 5, 2009 in BU C 108. This is an online course, which does not meet in-class. For additional information, please visit or call 585-5959.
PADMN 6323 - 090 Policy Analysis
- Class Number: 11861
- Instructor: SVEDIN, LINA
- Component: Lecture
- Type: In Person
- Units: 3.0
- Wait List: No
- Fees: $30.00
- Seats Available: 6
This class has one suggested in-class meeting on March 5, 2009 in BU C 108. This is an online course, which does not meet in-class. For additional information, please visit or call 585-5959.
PADMN 6330 - 001 Practice Of Pub Mgt
PADMN 6330 - 001 Practice Of Pub Mgt
- Class Number: 13240
- Instructor: MORRIS, PAUL
- Component: Lecture
- Type: In Person
- Units: 3.0
- Requisites: Yes
- Wait List: No
- Seats Available: 9
PADMN 6360 - 001 Public HRM
PADMN 6360 - 001 Public HRM
- Class Number: 7436
- Instructor: BAKSH, ABDUL
- Component: Lecture
- Type: In Person
- Units: 3.0
- Wait List: No
- Seats Available: 6
PADMN 6570 - 001 Mgt of Nonprofit Orgs
PADMN 6570 - 001 Mgt of Nonprofit Orgs
- Class Number: 13236
- Instructor: MCMILLEN, SHAWN
- Component: Lecture
- Type: In Person
- Units: 3.0
- Wait List: No
- Seats Available: 10
PADMN 6580 - 001 Nonprofit Financial Mgt
PADMN 6580 - 001 Nonprofit Financial Mgt
- Class Number: 15521
- Component: Lecture
- Type: In Person
- Units: 3.0
- Wait List: No
- Seats Available: 9
PADMN 6860 - 001 Disability Studies Forum
PADMN 6860 - 001 Disability Studies Forum
- Class Number: 14249
- Component: Seminar
- Type: In Person
- Units: 1.0
- Wait List: No
- Seats Available: 14
PADMN 6890 - 001 Capstone in Public Admin
PADMN 6890 - 001 Capstone in Public Admin
- Class Number: 7440
- Component: Lecture
- Type: In Person
- Units: 3.0
- Requisites: Yes
- Wait List: No
- Seats Available: 10
PADMN 6900 - 002 Indep Research-MPA
PADMN 6900 - 002 Indep Research-MPA
- Class Number: 9829
- Instructor: RIDEOUT, SANDRA
- Component: Independent Study
- Type: In Person
- Units: 3.0
- Wait List: No
- Seats Available: 2
PADMN 6900 - 003 Indep Research-MPA
PADMN 6900 - 003 Indep Research-MPA
- Class Number: 14160
- Instructor: SVEDIN, LINA
- Component: Independent Study
- Type: In Person
- Units: 1.0 - 6.0
- Wait List: No
- Seats Available: 1
PADMN 6900 - 004 Indep Research-MPA
PADMN 6900 - 004 Indep Research-MPA
- Class Number: 16969
- Instructor: HALL, THAD
- Component: Independent Study
- Type: In Person
- Units: 1.0 - 6.0
- Wait List: No
- Seats Available: 2
PADMN 6910 - 001 Public Admin Intern
PADMN 6910 - 001 Public Admin Intern
- Class Number: 10000
- Instructor: GREEN, RICHARD
- Component: Practicum
- Type: In Person
- Units: 1.0 - 6.0
- Wait List: No
- Seats Available: 4
- Class Number: 15522
- Instructor: Anthony, Camille
- Component: Special Topics
- Type: In Person
- Units: 3.0
- Wait List: No
- Seats Available: 7
- Class Number: 15518
- Instructor: SLACK, PAUL
- Component: Special Topics
- Type: In Person
- Units: 3.0
- Wait List: No
- Seats Available: 8
- Class Number: 16180
- Instructor: MENES, JONATHAN C
- Component: Special Topics
- Type: In Person
- Units: 3.0
- Wait List: No
- Seats Available: 1
PADMN 6971 - 001 MPA Research Paper
PADMN 6971 - 001 MPA Research Paper
- Class Number: 16883
- Instructor: GREEN, RICHARD
- Component: Thesis Research
- Type: In Person
- Units: 1.0 - 6.0
- Wait List: No
- Seats Available: 5
PADMN 6971 - 002 MPA Research Paper
PADMN 6971 - 002 MPA Research Paper
- Class Number: 16884
- Instructor: GOSLING, JAMES
- Component: Thesis Research
- Type: In Person
- Units: 1.0 - 6.0
- Wait List: No
- Seats Available: 3
PADMN 6971 - 003 MPA Research Paper
PADMN 6971 - 003 MPA Research Paper
- Class Number: 16885
- Instructor: LEVIN, DANIEL L
- Component: Thesis Research
- Type: In Person
- Units: 1.0 - 6.0
- Wait List: No
- Seats Available: 5
PADMN 6971 - 004 MPA Research Paper
PADMN 6971 - 004 MPA Research Paper
- Class Number: 16886
- Component: Thesis Research
- Type: In Person
- Units: 1.0 - 6.0
- Wait List: No
- Seats Available: 2
PADMN 6971 - 005 MPA Research Paper
PADMN 6971 - 005 MPA Research Paper
- Class Number: 16909
- Instructor: OTT, STEVEN
- Component: Thesis Research
- Type: In Person
- Units: 1.0 - 6.0
- Wait List: No
- Seats Available: 3