Course Detail
Course Components:
Enrollment Information
Course Attribute:
University Connected Learning
It began as a journal entry, a mental snapshot of a captivating scene, or a memory of a remarkable conversation. Then, almost inexplicably, that germ seed sprouted in the creative recesses of your mind, and you realize that a collection of essays or a memoir or a narrative nonfiction is taking shape. You find yourself saying these words out loud: I'm working on a book about... And suddenly you have a stack of pages with dimension and heft. Now what? This class will explore the wonderful, mystifying, and often lonely territory that presents itself as we embark upon a book-length work. Writers who have at least 50 double-spaced pages in draft form will most benefit from this class, which will be devoted to meaningful critique and revision of student work as well as support and guidance for the demanding process of creating a lengthy manuscript. Prerequisite: 'Creative Nonfiction II' or submission of 10 sample pages to the instructor at least two weeks in advance of registration. Dawn is president of Dawn Marano & Associates, a literary consulting and developmental editing firm. She is a co-author of When We Say We're Home: A Quartet of Place and Memory, and the author of Trusting the Edge, a memoir that won first place in the nonfiction book category of the 2005 Utah Arts Council Original Writing Competition.