Course Detail
Course Components:
Enrollment Information
Course Attribute:
University Connected Learning
Explore this multi-faceted and popular genre, which ranges in scope from literary journalism to personal narrative and memoir, in this interactive 6-week course. Through sample readings, discussion, and writing assignments we will learn to use the narrative devices-narrator stances, characterization, verb tenses, dialogue, and scene and setting-that make this form of prose especially fascinating and appealing. Although this class is open to writers of all levels of experience who are confident with basic sentence structure and composition, you will get the most out of class by first taking 'Get Started: The Writer's Toolbox,' or bringing the equivalent experience to class. This class is designed to be taken as often as you desire. Dawn is president of Dawn Marano & Associates, a literary consulting and developmental editing firm. Previously she served as an editor at the University of Utah Press, where she published many nationally recognized authors, including Mark Spragg, Chris Chester, and Catherine Mansell Mayo. She is a co-author of When We Say We're Home: A Quartet of Place and Memory, a work of literary nonfiction, and of a recently completed memoir, Trusting the Edge, which won first place in the nonfiction book category of the 2005 Utah Arts Council Original Writing Competition. Her work has been cited among Notable Essays in The Best American Essays.