Course Detail
Course Components:
Enrollment Information
Enrollment Requirement:
Recommended Prerequisite: MSE 2010 and CHEM 2310.
Requirement Designation:
Quantitative Intensive BS
This course will teach the fundamentals of materials characterization based on atomic bonding, crystallography, and microstructure. The students will be able to: 1) interpret x-ray and electron diffraction patterns, 2) operate a scanning electron microscope and use energy dispersive spectroscopy to identify the elemental analysis of imaged features, 3) identify metals, polymers, ceramics, semiconductors, and composite materials based on their density, crystallinity, thermal expansion, infrared spectra, glass transition temperature or melting point, phase assemblage, and elemental analysis, 4) understand how surface analysis techniques work and be able to select the appropriate technique for characterizing a specific surface, 5) understand how materials analysis is related to the microstructure and properties of a material, 6) solve homework problems and write laboratory report, and 7) demonstrate proficiency through acceptable performance on exams.