Course Detail
Course Components:
Enrollment Information
Course Attribute:
University Connected Learning
Professionals completing this series of classes will have the skills to develop a human resources strategic plan that will facilitate the attainment of the organization's mission vision and values, prioritize Human Resource's time and resources, improve employee's satisfaction with HR and provide base line measurement for assessing Human Resource progress and effectiveness. Learn how to hire people and prepare a classification and compensation pay system that improves employee's perceptions of internal equity, external competitiveness and complies with the law. Discover performance management systems that increase employee learning, increase retention and stimulate internal motivation while avoiding the dissatisfaction resulting from most performance evaluation systems. Learn how to conduct an audit of the organization and determine where it may be out of compliance with HR laws and regulations and take action to bring the organization into compliance. Students will learn to write a policy or policy manual that is legal, protects the employer, helps managers and is an aid to employees. Students will learn how to identify and manage conflict situations and assess the competitiveness of benefits packages. HR Certificate Program qualifies for 56 recertification hours. All courses in this program have been approved for recertification credit hours toward PHR and SPHR recertification by the the Human Resource Certificate Institute (HRCI).