Class # Subject Catalog # Section Title Enrollment Cap Wait List Currently Enrolled Seats Available
13269 FCS 592 003 Field Training 2 0 0 2
13891 FCS 1450 090 Con. and Fam. Finance 100 0 57 43
1910 FCS 1500 001 Human Development 160 0 123 37
6779 FCS 1500 002 Human Development 50 0 45 5
11452 FCS 1500 090 Human Development 110 0 102 8
1112 FCS 2400 001 Family Studies 50 0 46 4
6781 FCS 2400 002 Family Studies 200 0 66 134
13892 FCS 2400 090 Family Studies 100 0 96 4
9012 FCS 2570 090 Middle Childhood 100 0 69 31
4676 FCS 2610 001 Understanding Children 66 0 51 15
4677 FCS 2620 001 Child Dev Pract 50 0 57 -7
7766 FCS 2621 090 Whole Child Telecourse 20 0 16 4
14568 FCS 2640 001 Integ Curr Meth 40 0 37 3
8737 FCS 3010 001 Intro FCS Careers 40 0 10 30
6782 FCS 3180 001 Home School Comm Relat 37 0 29 8
12229 FCS 3180 002 Home School Comm Relat 70 0 15 55
1118 FCS 3200 001 Research Meth-Fcs 50 0 42 8
1119 FCS 3200 002 Research Meth-Fcs 100 0 30 70
9595 FCS 3200 090 Research Meth-Fcs 80 0 78 2
1123 FCS 3210 001 FCS Statistics 71 0 27 44
6783 FCS 3210 002 FCS Statistics 90 0 42 48
7778 FCS 3210 003 FCS Statistics 95 0 79 16
8304 FCS 3215 002 Dev Inf & Childhood 46 0 46 0
10847 FCS 3215 003 Dev Inf & Childhood 15 0 13 2
11200 FCS 3215 004 Dev Inf & Childhood 30 0 30 0
12568 FCS 3215 007 Dev Inf & Childhood 54 0 46 8
12230 FCS 3215 090 Dev Inf & Childhood 0 0 0 0
8739 FCS 3260 001 Fatherhood 100 0 34 66
1129 FCS 3270 001 Parent Child Relationsh 66 0 57 9
9596 FCS 3290 001 Ethnic Min Families 55 0 54 1
7407 FCS 3290 002 Ethnic Min Families 41 0 29 12
12248 FCS 3290 003 Ethnic Min Families 50 0 43 7
1133 FCS 3450 001 Family Economic Issues 95 0 65 30
7632 FCS 3450 002 Family Economic Issues 113 0 83 30
10923 FCS 3450 003 Family Economic Issues 200 0 116 84
13893 FCS 3470 001 Interntl Consumr Policy 50 0 52 -2
9597 FCS 3600 001 Consumer & Community 120 0 120 0
7774 FCS 3620 001 Environment and Behavior 45 0 30 15
8141 FCS 3630 001 Strengthen Homes Fami 50 0 47 3
9598 FCS 3630 002 Strengthen Homes Fami 30 0 17 13
12253 FCS 3904 001 Modes Learn: SL 40 0 28 12
10848 FCS 3904 002 Modes Learn: SL 30 0 20 10
7030 FCS 3905 001 Modes Learn: WC 35 0 19 16
8740 FCS 3905 002 Modes Learn: WC 56 0 40 16
8741 FCS 3905 003 Modes Learn: WC 42 0 36 6
11565 FCS 3905 004 Modes Learn: WC 0 0 0 0
12231 FCS 3905 005 Modes Learn: WC 40 0 15 25
15464 FCS 3905 006 Modes Learn: WC 45 0 10 35
9599 FCS 5170 001 Creativity & Cognition 70 0 64 6
4678 FCS 5190 001 Early Chldhd Internship 25 0 7 18
10845 FCS 5190 002 Early Chldhd Internship 50 0 0 50
1911 FCS 5200 001 Families & Soc Policy 25 0 6 19
7408 FCS 5230 001 Adolescent Development 50 0 32 18
8905 FCS 5230 002 Adolescent Development 55 0 36 19
1154 FCS 5250 001 Theory Human Developmnt 35 0 20 15
11306 FCS 5250 002 Theory Human Developmnt 0 0 0 0
13895 FCS 5280 001 Divorce & Remarriage 30 0 8 22
7026 FCS 5311 001 Child Health Care I 40 0 22 18
8399 FCS 5370 001 Family Violence 56 0 48 8
9594 FCS 5370 002 Family Violence 35 0 39 -4
12240 FCS 5380 001 Family Problems 35 0 16 19
12444 FCS 5400 001 Families & Econ Policy 30 0 16 14
9600 FCS 5450 001 Nonprofit Comm Orgs 35 0 28 7
8142 FCS 5600 001 Environ & Beh 20 0 2 18
12241 FCS 5700 001 Res for Con & Com Needs 30 0 7 23
12232 FCS 5730 001 Com & Env Change 30 0 18 12
5367 FCS 5920 001 Field Training 25 0 17 8
6389 FCS 5920 002 Field Training 5 0 1 4
9091 FCS 5962 061 Special Topics-Hdfs 12 0 14 -2
9092 FCS 5964 061 Special Topics-Cs&Fe 12 0 13 -1
1168 FCS 6200 001 Families & Soc Policy 10 0 9 1
12445 FCS 6400 001 Families & Econ Policy 10 0 3 7
8144 FCS 6450 001 Nonprofit Community Org 8 0 4 4
13896 FCS 6563 002 Evaluation 29 0 2 27
8143 FCS 6600 001 Environ & Human Beh 10 0 7 3
12242 FCS 6700 001 Research Com Needs 5 0 0 5
13147 FCS 6730 001 Com Dev & Env Change 10 0 1 9
1917 FCS 6901 001 Thesis Devel Seminar I 15 0 7 8
1919 FCS 6980 001 Faculty Consultation 20 0 0 20