Course Detail
Course Components:
Enrollment Information
Course Attribute:
University Connected Learning
Do you want to make a lovely-looking, tasty meal without breaking the bank on fancy ingredients? We'll show you how to do just that in this hands-on class. See how the delicate flavors in tender broiled halibut are enhanced by various toppings: We'll create tomato fennel broth, a white wine caper sauce, caper-tomato sauce with spinach, and a creamy cucumber coleslaw to lay atop the halibut. To complement this mouthwatering entree, we'll make baby red potatoes with fresh rosemary; angel hair pasta; butternut squash confetti (a colorful combination of Portobello mushrooms, red and green peppers, red onion, fresh sage, and tomatoes); and an arugula salad with a white wine and honey vinaigrette. For dessert: cannelloni with a warm apple-cinnamon sauce and whipped cream.