Course Detail
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Enrollment Information
Course Attribute:
University Connected Learning
Prehistoric rock art is one of the greatest treasures of our nation. At once representative of art, history, and culture, rock art is a tangible connection to the wisdom and energy of the past, and its symbols evoke mysteries that no modern mind can unravel. Nine-Mile Canyon, northeast of Price, is particularly rich in archeological sites and includes wonderful examples of rock art made by a number of cultures. During our day we will view many of these sites and discuss how they fit into the wider story of human activity in prehistoric Utah. Please wear clothing and footwear appropriate for short off-trail hikes. Bring binoculars, a hat, sunscreen, jacket, lunch, and water; a cooler will be provided. We will leave the Annex parking lot at 7:00 AM and travel by van. Alternatively, you may join us at 9:30 AM at the Chevron station on Highway 6, at the marked turn-off to 9-Mile Canyon between Price and Wellington. Jerry is the executive director of the Colorado Plateau Archeological Alliance and is the author of Horned Snakes and Axle Grease: A Roadside Guide to the Archeology, History, and Rock Art of Nine-Mile Canyon.