Course Detail
Course Components:
Enrollment Information
Course Attribute:
University Connected Learning
The internet contains a wealth of information and activities for all ages. It also contains sites and activities that are not family friendly or appropriate for younger audiences. How do you, as a concerned parent, protect your family from the pitfalls, while still allowing your family to benefit from age appropriate material? This is a hands-on class that gives you the information you need. Learn where the dangers are and how to use available technology to keep your family safe online. Topics include adjusting browser settings, internet service providers and what they may offer, file-sharing software, downloading files, chat rooms, instant messaging, and privacy issues. We'll also discuss types of filtering software and monitoring software, which can limit content and track where your family surfs. This class is designed for adults. Price listed is for a single registration. Discounts apply when 2 adults from the same family register. Please call (801) 581-6061 for details and to receive the discount. Seating is limited. Advanced registration required.