Course Detail
Course Components:
Enrollment Information
Course Attribute:
University Connected Learning
No menu, no preconceived notions-just good, fresh food from the Farmer's Market! We'll meet on the northwest corner of 300 S 300 W (in front of Caputo's) at 9:30 sharp, shop for 'whatever looks good, then head to Deb's home to cook up a fabulous feast with the produce and other goodies we've purchased (bring your camera and notepad to help you recreate the menu). It doesn't get any better than the Farmer's Market in August - think peaches, raspberries, tomatoes, fresh herbs, local lamb, freshly baked breads, zucchini, apricots, peppers, blackberries, strawberries, and artisan cheeses. We'll let imagination be our guide! Dining will be al fresco on the shaded patio, from approximately 12:15-1:00 PM. Over 21? Feel free to bring the beverage of your choice. Please bring a large shopping bag to the market to help carry the food (your special fee covers the cost of all food).