Class # Subject Catalog # Section Title Enrollment Cap Wait List Currently Enrolled Seats Available
10643 SOC 101 010 Introduction to Sociology 0 0 0 0
10644 SOC 101 020 Introduction to Sociology 2 0 0 2
10645 SOC 101 070 Introduction to Sociology 2 0 0 2
10648 SOC 303 070 Social Structure 2 0 0 2
10649 SOC 337 001 Sociology of Gender 2 0 0 2
10650 SOC 338 070 Race/Ethnicity/Cls/Gender 2 0 0 2
10651 SOC 348 001 Soc of Marriage & Family 2 0 0 2
10653 SOC 355 001 Women and Crime 0 0 0 0
10652 SOC 361 070 Criminology 2 0 1 1
10654 SOC 396 010 Special Topics 2 0 0 2
1140 SOC 1010 001 Intro To Sociology 399 0 178 221
1141 SOC 1010 002 Intro To Sociology 200 0 159 41
2935 SOC 1010 003 Intro To Sociology 70 0 66 4
9215 SOC 1010 010 Intro To Sociology 0 0 0 0
5430 SOC 1010 020 Intro To Sociology 40 0 27 13
2936 SOC 1010 070 Intro To Sociology 50 0 40 10
14340 SOC 1015 001 Intro to Data Analysis 60 0 20 40
1144 SOC 1020 001 Social Problems 40 0 35 5
10193 SOC 1020 002 Social Problems 40 0 38 2
9216 SOC 3020 001 Social Psychology 60 0 45 15
6358 SOC 3020 002 Social Psychology 0 0 0 0
7324 SOC 3020 010 Social Psychology 60 0 31 29
9217 SOC 3030 001 Social Structure 60 0 53 7
1154 SOC 3030 002 Social Structure 0 0 0 0
10616 SOC 3030 070 Social Structure 40 0 26 14
7322 SOC 3111 001 Research Methods 60 0 32 28
10194 SOC 3111 002 Research Methods 60 0 48 12
9487 SOC 3111 010 Research Methods 60 0 34 26
1157 SOC 3112 001 Social Statistics 40 0 13 27
1159 SOC 3112 002 Social Statistics 60 0 20 40
10617 SOC 3112 003 Social Statistics 60 0 22 38
11764 SOC 3112 010 Social Statistics 60 0 62 -2
1160 SOC 3140 001 Social Theory 60 0 47 13
10195 SOC 3140 002 Social Theory 0 0 0 0
13846 SOC 3140 020 Social Theory 40 0 13 27
13847 SOC 3140 070 Social Theory 40 0 42 -2
12399 SOC 3334 001 American Class System 60 0 40 20
2117 SOC 3337 001 Sociology Of Gender 60 0 51 9
7764 SOC 3337 002 Sociology Of Gender 60 0 61 -1
1164 SOC 3365 001 Ethnic Minorities Amer 79 0 53 26
13848 SOC 3365 020 Ethnic Minorities Amer 40 0 28 12
10618 SOC 3380 070 Race/Ethncty/Cls/Gender 40 0 43 -3
14341 SOC 3385 001 Cities and Communities 60 0 20 40
14342 SOC 3393 001 Diversity Internship 30 0 0 30
14343 SOC 3433 001 Formal Organizations 60 0 16 44
11763 SOC 3435 001 Soc Of Econ Development 60 0 25 35
14344 SOC 3436 001 Global Social Structure 60 0 48 12
7881 SOC 3560 001 Deviant Beh/Soc Control 0 0 0 0
9397 SOC 3560 010 Deviant Beh/Soc Control 60 0 60 0
10197 SOC 3561 001 Criminology 60 0 72 -12
2118 SOC 3561 070 Criminology 50 0 43 7
10198 SOC 3562 001 Juvenile Delinquency 70 0 63 7
10632 SOC 3563 010 Policing in U.S. Society 0 0 0 0
13849 SOC 3563 070 Policing in U.S. Society 60 0 47 13
10634 SOC 3565 001 Women and Crime 0 0 0 0
2937 SOC 3593 001 Criminology Internship 30 0 10 20
6625 SOC 3638 001 Soc of Marriage & Fam 60 0 31 29
10196 SOC 3638 002 Soc of Marriage & Fam 0 0 0 0
11765 SOC 3638 020 Soc of Marriage & Fam 40 0 31 9
14345 SOC 3650 001 Population & Society 60 0 37 23
6626 SOC 3671 010 Soc Of Health 0 0 0 0
11767 SOC 3673 001 Social Epidemiology 50 0 32 18
6359 SOC 3673 010 Social Epidemiology 40 0 36 4
10633 SOC 3877 001 Pre-Senior Thesis Sem 5 0 1 4
2938 SOC 3950 001 Individual Research 5 0 0 5
8267 SOC 3951 001 Directed Reading 5 0 0 5
2939 SOC 3952 001 Individual Internships 5 0 0 5
11768 SOC 3965 001 Special Topics 0 0 0 0
6500 SOC 3965 010 Special Topics 60 0 40 20
15246 SOC 4999 001 Honors Thesis/Project 5 0 1 4
14346 SOC 5120 001 Statistics I 30 0 0 30
11770 SOC 5720 001 Medical Sociology 30 0 3 27
12400 SOC 5965 001 Special Topics 0 0 0 0
7972 SOC 6010 001 Proseminar in Sociology 10 0 6 4
7971 SOC 6050 001 Classical Soc Theory 10 0 7 3
11769 SOC 6115 001 Sociological Analysis 0 0 0 0
14347 SOC 6120 001 Statistics I 30 0 9 21
11771 SOC 6720 001 Medical Sociology 30 0 5 25
14348 SOC 6800 001 Profess Development 30 0 5 25
2941 SOC 6950 001 Indiv Research-Masters 5 0 0 5
3128 SOC 6951 001 Dir Reading-Masters 10 0 0 10
10619 SOC 6965 001 Special Topics 20 0 2 18
2943 SOC 6977 001 Thesis Research-Masters 10 0 2 8
2944 SOC 6988 001 Fac Consult-Masters 5 0 0 5
10620 SOC 7130 001 Statistics II 0 0 0 0
14349 SOC 7800 001 Profess Development 30 0 5 25
14350 SOC 7911 001 Comp Intern Readings I 30 0 3 27
14351 SOC 7912 001 Comp Intern Readings II 30 0 0 30
14916 SOC 7921 001 Pop/Health Readings I 10 0 0 10
14917 SOC 7922 001 Pop/Health Readings II 10 0 0 10
14352 SOC 7941 001 Research Instruction I 30 0 4 26
2945 SOC 7950 001 Indiv Research-PhD 5 0 0 5
2946 SOC 7951 001 Directed Reading-PhD 5 0 0 5
2947 SOC 7977 001 Dissert Research-PhD 10 0 1 9
2948 SOC 7988 001 Fac Consultation-PhD 5 0 0 5
2949 SOC 7999 001 Continuing Registration 10 0 0 10