Class # Subject Catalog # Section Title Enrollment Cap Wait List Currently Enrolled Seats Available
12907 FA 330 001 Computer Music Technology 5 0 1 4
15037 FA 335 002 3 D Computer Graphics 3 0 1 2
14966 FA 340 001 Digital Visual Effects 3 0 1 2
8830 FA 373 030 Beg Video Production/Edit 3 0 0 3
14986 FA 420 001 Adv Interact Design/Game Dev 3 0 0 3
14725 FA 920 001 Final Cut Pro Boot Camp 6 0 1 5
6723 FA 2000 001 Computers and the Arts 22 0 17 5
8602 FA 2000 002 Computers and the Arts 32 0 25 7
9634 FA 3100 001 Intro:Net-Design Web 22 0 17 5
12271 FA 3200 001 Exp Anim, Vid., and Web 24 0 2 22
8712 FA 3300 001 Intro to Computer Music 15 0 19 -4
9443 FA 3350 001 3 D Computer Graphics 0 0 0 0
12793 FA 3350 002 3 D Computer Graphics 24 0 15 9
9273 FA 3400 001 Digital Visual Effects 24 0 11 13
12276 FA 3600 001 Writing for New Media 22 0 19 3
13377 FA 3600 002 Writing for New Media 32 0 15 17
8829 FA 3730 030 Beg Video Prod/Edit 25 0 11 14
10715 FA 3800 001 Spec. Top. ArtsTech 24 0 16 8
14674 FA 3800 002 Spec. Top. ArtsTech 20 0 9 11
14717 FA 4200 001 Adv Interact Design/Game Dev 24 0 5 19
11016 FA 4350 001 3-D Modeling and Rend 15 0 13 2
13376 FA 4800 001 Capstone Projects 15 0 1 14
8258 FA 4900 001 Indep. Research Proj. 5 0 0 5
8988 FA 4900 002 Indep. Research Proj. 20 0 9 11
14964 FA 6500 001 Grad. Proj. ArtsTech 5 0 2 3
7696 FA 6800 001 Grad. Sem. ArtsTech 5 0 0 5