Class # Subject Catalog # Section Title Enrollment Cap Wait List Currently Enrolled Seats Available
1888 ECS 4111 001 School & Society 40 0 27 13
1952 ECS 4150 001 Intro Multicultural Ed 65 0 27 38
1953 ECS 4150 002 Intro Multicultural Ed 75 0 57 18
8468 ECS 4150 003 Intro Multicultural Ed 0 0 0 0
14230 ECS 6600 001 Intro Crit\Cult Stud Ed 40 0 14 26
14136 ECS 6622 001 Feminist Epist & Pedago 7 0 4 3
13830 ECS 6631 001 Diversity In Schools 35 0 14 21
13825 ECS 6635 001 Comparative Education 15 0 6 9
13829 ECS 6636 001 Lit As Cultural Prac 30 0 9 21
10335 ECS 6642 001 Colleg Impact & Retenti 5 0 5 0
13831 ECS 6654 001 Language and Power 8 0 1 7
13827 ECS 6655 001 Critical Pedagogy 12 0 9 3
13834 ECS 6950 001 Spec Topics in Ed 15 0 6 9
11415 ECS 6950 002 Spec Topics in Ed 15 0 5 10
7888 ECS 6955 001 Fld Proj in Education 35 0 1 34
7889 ECS 6960 001 Dir Rding: Master's 35 0 1 34
8886 ECS 6960 002 Dir Rding: Master's 35 0 0 35
7895 ECS 6970 001 Thesis Research: Master's 35 0 4 31
7896 ECS 6980 001 Faculty Consultation 35 0 2 33
14137 ECS 7622 001 Feminist Epist & Pedago 13 0 12 1
13826 ECS 7635 001 Comparative Education 15 0 2 13
13832 ECS 7654 001 Language and Power 12 0 8 4
13828 ECS 7655 001 Critical Pedagogy 12 0 10 2
13824 ECS 7670 001 Iss in Qual Res 30 0 15 15
13835 ECS 7950 001 Special Topics in Ed 15 0 8 7
11416 ECS 7950 002 Special Topics in Ed 15 0 2 13
10340 ECS 7951 001 Dissertation Seminar 10 0 4 6
7897 ECS 7960 001 Dir Reading: Doctoral 35 0 2 33
7898 ECS 7961 001 Dir Rding: Prelim Exam 35 0 5 30
7899 ECS 7970 001 Thesis Research: Ph.D. 35 0 9 26
7900 ECS 7980 001 Faculty Consultation 35 0 5 30
7901 ECS 7990 001 Continuing Registration 35 0 1 34