Course Detail
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Enrollment Information
Course Attribute:
University Connected Learning
Can you really find true love online? With millions of single men and women turning to the Net for a partner, your chances of meeting your mate have never been better! In this interactive class you will learn: how to write a great profile (bring your profile blurb to the first class and our panel of men and women will critique it by the second); what your photo says about you; no-fail (virtual) communication strategies; how to read between the lines when viewing another's profile; what to expect at a first meeting (where to meet, who pays, how do you let the person know whether you want to meet again or not); how to stay safe and have fun; and the do's and don'ts of internet dating. We'll also help you decide which of the myriad dating sites is for you. Relationship coach Nanice Ellis is the author of The Infinite Power of You; she brings her personal online experience to this class.