Course Detail
Course Components:
Enrollment Information
Course Attribute:
University Connected Learning
WHAT ARE YOU? A WILD ANIMAL?? Get wild and wacky in this week's monstrous camp theme! Experience awesome encounters with Utah's wild inhabitants! Develop friendships you never thought possible (both human and non-human!). Satisfy your curiosity and need for discovery by learning about birds of prey with Halkwatch. Begin to understand animal behavior and characteristics by traveling to the Tracy Aviary. Track or create your own artistic animal. Discover a love of fish by spending time at hidden lake in the Wasatch or frolicking in the pool. Bring one of your favorite animal friends to camp and show your buddies who you 'hang with' in your spare time. Explore your imagination, observe live animals and express your wild side! Finally, view a performance of 'Once on an Island' by Youth Theatre at the University of Utah. Electives for the 6-9 year olds may include owling or birding walks, a field trip to the Hogle Zoo, or animal tales. Electives for the 10-12 year olds may include, sauntering over to the Living Planet Aquarium, learning natural science or fishing.