Class # Subject Catalog # Section Title Enrollment Cap Wait List Currently Enrolled Seats Available
14416 FA 330 001 Computer Music Technology 5 0 0 5
9195 FA 373 030 Beg Video Production/Edit 3 0 2 1
14782 FA 925 001 Final Cut Pro Workshop 12 0 1 11
14783 FA 945 001 Adv Final Cut Pro Wkshp 12 0 0 12
14784 FA 946 001 FCP Wkshp & Adv. FCP Wkshp 12 0 2 10
14380 FA 951 001 MyMaya: An Introduction 0 0 0 0
14381 FA 951 002 MyMaya: An Introduction 12 0 0 12
14382 FA 952 001 MyMaya: Modeling 0 0 0 0
14383 FA 953 001 MyMaya: Animation 12 0 0 12
14384 FA 954 001 MyMaya: Rendering & Dynamics 12 0 0 12
14385 FA 961 001 MyMaya Workshops 0 0 0 0
14386 FA 961 002 MyMaya Workshops 12 0 0 12
6920 FA 2000 001 Computers and the Arts 24 0 13 11
8930 FA 2000 002 Computers and the Arts 32 0 28 4
13668 FA 2000 003 Computers and the Arts 32 0 15 17
10125 FA 3100 001 Intro:Net-Design Web 24 0 22 2
13670 FA 3200 001 Exp Anim, Vid., and Web 24 0 4 20
9066 FA 3300 001 Intro to Computer Music 15 0 7 8
9913 FA 3350 001 3 D Computer Graphics 25 0 15 10
14294 FA 3350 002 3 D Computer Graphics 24 0 14 10
9713 FA 3400 001 Digital Visual Effects 24 0 16 8
13675 FA 3600 001 Writing for New Media 22 0 22 0
9194 FA 3730 030 Beg Video Prod/Edit 25 0 5 20
11677 FA 3800 001 Spec. Top. ArtsTech 5 0 1 4
10038 FA 4200 001 Adv Interact Design/Game Dev 0 0 0 0
12172 FA 4350 001 3-D Modeling and Rend 15 0 8 7
8559 FA 4900 001 Indep. Research Proj. 5 0 0 5
9376 FA 4900 002 Indep. Research Proj. 20 0 4 16
7956 FA 6800 001 Grad. Sem. ArtsTech 5 0 2 3