Course Detail
Course Components:
Enrollment Information
Enrollment Requirement:
Prerequisite: Permission of instructor required.
The goal of this class is to provide an overview of electrophysiology and bioelectricity to graduate students with special interest in cardiology and neurosciences. We will develop the central electrical mechanisms from the membrane channel to the intact organ, building on those that are common to many electrically active cells in the body. The approach will be a combination of qualitative explanations, quantitative analysis, and mathematical simulation. The class format will include didactic lectures, group discussion of primary literature, student presentations, quantitative problem solving exercises, writing assignments, and laboratory experiences. The prerequisite for the course is the permission of the instructor; strongly recommended background knowledge includes previous exposure to basic electrophysiology (e.g., Bioengineering 6000/6010 or equivalent), university level calculus and physics. Homework assignments will require the use of Matlab and electronic submission of reports.