Course Detail
Course Components:
Enrollment Information
Course Attribute:
University Connected Learning
Expand your basic skills with the elements of art and explode into creative exploration of basic and fun new media. Try drawing, painting, printmaking, scratch board, sculpture and mask making. Advance your 3-D skills while looking at sculpture in the museum. Why are you attracted to a particular piece of art? Is it creative, new and/ or valuable to the art community and the rest of the world? Sculpt your own work with re-usable clay and look at wire, wood plaster, bronze and ceramic sculpture. Create your own masterpieces through painting and drawing. Draw from ancient pottery, sculptures, masks, photographs and paintings. Use media such as acrylic, watercolor, oil pastels, colored pencils, graphite and scratch board. Bravery will take hold while you travel through your own creativity, dreams, day dreams and abstract shapes through drawing. Investigate printmaking while touring a working print shop on campus. Finish off the week by making either a subtractive or additive printing block to design your own invitation to our student exhibit. The student exhibit will be held on the last day of class during the last thirty minutes of class. Course content and curriculum is updated each semester so students can continue their artistic progression.