Course Detail
Course Components:
Enrollment Information
Course Attribute:
University Connected Learning
Cultural Factors in Maternal and Child Health' is the third of four maternal and child health (MCH) web courses to be produced in a project to make continuing education accessible to the MCH practice community in web-based formats. This course may be taken in modules with CE ranging from 2.5 CEUs up to the full 12 CEUs. Field experience in maternal and child health is assumed, although there are no formal prerequisites except introductory ability with computers and the Internet. This course will introduce the subject of cultural and social determinants of maternal and child health in the present society, including worldviews on health perspectives (wellness vs. illness), and address the impact of emerging demographic changes on systems of care. Participatory exercises will assist in understanding one's own ethnic identity to better understand others, assessing regional and national demographic changes and their implications for practice, and cultural competence skill building. The course looks at cultural competency as having the evolving knowledge and skills used for maintaining a process to increase one's respect, understanding and knowledge of the similarities and differences between oneself and others, in order to create and enhance welcoming health care communities.