Course Detail
Course Components:
Enrollment Information
Course Attribute:
University Connected Learning
'Building a System of Care for CSHCN' is the second of four maternal and child health (MCH) web courses to be produced in a project to make continuing education accessible to the MCH practice community in web-based formats. This course introduces participants to children with special health care needs and their families; the necessary components of an integrated system of care for these children; and a national agenda for developing a system of care at the national, state, and community levels. Participants will learn about current and best practices that assist families in finding, using, and paying for the services and supports they need to improve their children's health care and improve the whole family's quality of life. The course will be focusing on how a well-organized system of care can help to support families and providers to achieve the outcomes they desire. The stories of a number of families whose children vary in the range of services they require are presented to demonstrate how the parts of a system need to work together to meet the family's and the child's needs. This course may be taken in modules with CE ranging from 5 CEUs up to the full 15 CEUs. Field experience in maternal and child health is assumed, although there are no formal prerequisites except introductory ability with computers and the Internet.