Course Detail
Course Components:
Enrollment Information
Course Attribute:
University Connected Learning
This course presents a template for team management and leadership that is specific to a research environment. Using the 'Competing Values Skills Assessment Leadership Role Profile' developed by the Rockefeller Institute of Government at SUNY-Albany, we will discuss strategies for recruiting, supervising, mentoring, and motivating research team members and support staff to maximize team strengths. We will discuss how to build systems that monitor the measurements of a research team's success: project performance, reporting, publication, accounting, research personnel output, recruiting, and proposal progress. We will talk about minimizing waste caused by repetition of effort, lost time, and poor communication. As researchers, we often limit our professional success by focusing on research skills while neglecting effective management skills. In short, this course teaches participants how to sustain and manage an effective research team by capitalizing on strengths and minimizing weaknesses.