Course Detail
Course Components:
Enrollment Information
Course Attribute:
University Connected Learning
Join SPLORE for an exciting week of rock climbing in the beautiful Wasatch Mountains! Visit different climbing sites each day and learn about the geology of the canyons. Possible climbs include: Storm Mountain, Lisa Falls, and Ferguson Canyon. SPLORE guides will provide instruction on proper climbing and belay techniques, equipment, transportation, environmental education, and, above all, safety. A mandatory preclass orientation meeting will be held on Wednesday, June 13, at 7:00 pm (Section 1) and Wednesday July 25th at 7:00 pm (Section 2). A course information packet will be sent upon receipt of registration. SPLORE operates on the Wasatch-Cache National Forest under a special use permit from the USDA Forest Service. Please note that class structure and climbing sites will be adapted for the younger group. All campers should bring lunch and snack daily.