Course Detail
Course Components:
Special Topics
Enrollment Information
Enrollment Requirement:
Prerequisite: A general immunology course.
Cytokines are a group of proteins which serve an important role in intercellular signaling. They can facilitate the recruitment of leukocytes into solid tissues, control the behavior of many cell types, and regulate major physiologic and pathophysiologic processes. The objective of this seminar course is to survey the interleukins and other selected cytokines. The objective will be to obtain a contemporary appreciation of this rapidly developing field. The organizers will assume that all participants will have taken a formal immunology course and have a working knowledge of the mammalian immune system. Participants will select a topic, based on a single or a small group of related cytokines, explore the current and historical literature, prepare a bibliography which will serve as a hand out, and formally present a 45 minute seminar to the group for discussion. Enrollment will be limited to 22.