Course Detail
Course Components:
Enrollment Information
Enrollment Requirement:
Prerequisite: HONOR 2101 and a member of the Honors Program.
Requirement Designation:
Humanities Exploration
Course Attribute:
University Connected Learning
Honors Course
Addresses some sources of the modern mentality by exploring the ways in which great writers and artists from the Enlightenment to the present have shaped our views. Important issues facing modern human beings will be addressed such as: What is the nature of the human mind, and how does it affect human activities? How is knowledge of the natural world obtained? Are feelings an important part of being human? Are individual humans responsible for their actions? Is the social welfare more important than the welfare of the individual? How has the meaning of science changed overtime? What is the nature of artistic endeavor? How have different ethnic groups enriched our culture? How and why have women's roles changed in Western society?