Class # Subject Catalog # Section Title Enrollment Cap Wait List Currently Enrolled Seats Available
8168 SW 1010 290 Soc Wk & Soc Welfare 5 0 0 5
8171 SW 2100 290 HBSE 5 0 0 5
8173 SW 3000 290 Applied SW Statistics 9 0 0 9
8242 SW 3400 290 Impact of Child Abuse 13 0 0 13
8174 SW 3550 290 Soc Div & Cultrl Under. 13 0 0 13
8267 SW 3710 290 Case Management for SWs 10 0 0 10
8268 SW 4000 290 Crisis Intervention 13 0 0 13
8481 SW 4100 290 Global Com Bsd Resch 12 0 0 12
8175 SW 4301 290 Soc Wlfr Policy/Service 13 0 0 13
8176 SW 4401 290 Soc Wk Rsrch & Eval 13 0 0 13
8243 SW 4430 290 SW Practice II 16 0 0 16
8244 SW 4440 290 SW Practice III 15 0 0 15
8178 SW 4782 290 Soc Wk Practicum Sem 5 0 0 5
8370 SW 4949 290 Independent Study 20 0 0 20
8338 SW 5706 290 Field Training 200 hr 10 0 0 10
8339 SW 5707 290 Adv Field Train 350 hr 15 0 0 15
8314 SW 5711 290 Functions & Recovery 10 0 0 10
8315 SW 5723 290 Adv Prof Development 10 0 0 10
8317 SW 5733 290 Counseling Prac III 10 0 0 10
8316 SW 5734 290 Counseling Practice IV 10 0 0 10
8130 SW 6040 290 DSM 25 0 0 25
8482 SW 6040 291 DSM 25 0 0 25
8133 SW 6121 290 Bridge Reflexive 25 0 0 25
8484 SW 6121 291 Bridge Reflexive 25 0 0 25
8129 SW 6200 290 Bridge - Practice 25 0 0 25
8483 SW 6200 291 Bridge - Practice 25 0 0 25
8360 SW 6511 294 Gen Field Practicum I 15 0 0 15
8371 SW 6511 295 Gen Field Practicum I 5 0 0 5
8361 SW 6512 294 Gen Field Practicum II 15 0 0 15
8372 SW 6512 295 Gen Field Practicum II 5 0 0 5
8134 SW 6631 290 Grief and Loss 25 0 0 25
8486 SW 6631 291 Grief and Loss 25 0 0 25
8135 SW 6634 290 Advocacy and PR Skills 25 0 0 25
8485 SW 6637 290 Motivational Interview 25 0 0 25
8487 SW 6637 291 Motivational Interview 25 0 0 25