Class # Subject Catalog # Section Title Enrollment Cap Wait List Currently Enrolled Seats Available
14729 THEA 104 090 Dram Arts/Television 2 0 0 2
14692 THEA 113 090 Exploring Theatre 2 0 0 2
14693 THEA 133 001 Acting I for Non Majors 2 0 0 2
14694 THEA 133 002 Acting I for Non Majors 4 0 0 4
13860 THEA 203 001 Acting II: Non-Majors 2 0 0 2
11751 THEA 401 001 Private Voice MTP II 10 0 0 10
9168 THEA 1001 001 ATP Lab I 15 0 0 15
5828 THEA 1013 090 Exploring Theatre 50 0 0 50
12369 THEA 1013 091 Exploring Theatre 50 0 0 50
12959 THEA 1033 001 Acting I for Non Majors 18 0 0 18
12960 THEA 1033 002 Acting I for Non Majors 18 0 0 18
3318 THEA 1040 090 Dram Arts/Television 55 0 0 55
4134 THEA 1040 091 Dram Arts/Television 55 0 0 55
7850 THEA 1040 092 Dram Arts/Television 55 0 0 55
1276 THEA 1050 001 Intro Visual Arts Thtr 10 0 0 10
17128 THEA 1120 001 Acting I (Majors) 20 0 0 20
13239 THEA 1160 001 Production Run Crew I 12 0 0 12
13240 THEA 1160 002 Production Run Crew I 8 0 0 8
13241 THEA 1160 003 Production Run Crew I 10 0 0 10
13272 THEA 1160 004 Production Run Crew I 10 0 0 10
14789 THEA 1160 005 Production Run Crew I 16 0 0 16
13242 THEA 1170 001 Production Run Crew II 6 0 0 6
13243 THEA 1170 002 Production Run Crew II 6 0 0 6
13250 THEA 1170 003 Production Run Crew II 6 0 0 6
13273 THEA 1170 004 Production Run Crew II 6 0 0 6
14790 THEA 1170 005 Production Run Crew II 16 0 0 16
11458 THEA 1211 001 MTP 1st year Acting 25 0 0 25
1264 THEA 1220 001 1st Yr Act ATP 24 0 0 24
9171 THEA 1551 001 Scenography Lecture 30 0 0 30
12955 THEA 1552 001 Scenography Lab 5 0 0 5
12956 THEA 1552 002 Scenography Lab 5 0 0 5
12957 THEA 1552 003 Scenography Lab 5 0 0 5
12958 THEA 1552 004 Scenography Lab 5 0 0 5
17391 THEA 1713 001 Script Analysis 20 0 0 20
13318 THEA 1713 002 Script Analysis 25 0 0 25
12963 THEA 1713 090 Script Analysis 25 0 0 25
6621 THEA 1714 001 Mus Thry for MT 30 0 0 30
9409 THEA 2003 001 ATP Lab III 20 0 0 20
10509 THEA 2010 001 2nd-Year Singing ATP 20 0 0 20
6613 THEA 2011 001 Private Voice for MTP I 20 0 0 20
6864 THEA 2011 002 Private Voice for MTP I 20 0 0 20
11488 THEA 2011 003 Private Voice for MTP I 20 0 0 20
15114 THEA 2011 004 Private Voice for MTP I 20 0 0 20
15116 THEA 2011 005 Private Voice for MTP I 20 0 0 20
11489 THEA 2011 006 Private Voice for MTP I 20 0 0 20
11490 THEA 2011 007 Private Voice for MTP I 20 0 0 20
11800 THEA 2011 008 Private Voice for MTP I 20 0 0 20
12954 THEA 2012 001 Vocal Perform Seminar I 25 0 0 25
14246 THEA 2015 001 Musical Thea Ensemble I 25 0 0 25
12961 THEA 2033 001 Acting II: Non-Majors 20 0 0 20
12962 THEA 2060 001 2nd Yr V/S ATP 20 0 0 20
19376 THEA 2150 001 Stagecraft 10 0 0 10
6899 THEA 2161 001 Design Studio 8 0 0 8
1265 THEA 2220 001 2nd-Year Acting ATP 20 0 0 20
12536 THEA 2240 002 2nd-Year Movement ATP 20 0 0 20
11495 THEA 2310 001 MTP 2nd Year Acting 25 0 0 25
11459 THEA 2403 001 Beg. Stage Management 15 0 0 15
12953 THEA 2420 002 Intro to Playwriting 15 0 0 15
7247 THEA 2652 001 Performance Workshop I 40 0 0 40
9169 THEA 3005 001 ATP Lab V 20 0 0 20
5865 THEA 3015 001 Materials & Methods 40 0 0 40
12197 THEA 3070 001 3rd-Year V/S ATP 20 0 0 20
7026 THEA 3110 001 Beg Stage Directing 18 0 0 18
1271 THEA 3170 001 3rd-Year Act/Styles ATP 18 0 0 18
3752 THEA 3230 001 Audition Tech I 22 0 0 22
19378 THEA 3262 001 Costume Crafts 10 0 0 10
19377 THEA 3400 001 Audio Tech for the Arts 10 0 0 10
12575 THEA 3620 001 MTP Core Dance I 20 0 0 20
16767 THEA 3625 001 MTP TAP Dance I 20 0 0 20
12576 THEA 3630 002 MTP Core Dance II 30 0 0 30
19379 THEA 3635 001 MTP TAP Dance II 20 0 0 20
11496 THEA 3639 001 Styles Beginning Dancer 20 0 0 20
16074 THEA 3640 001 MTP Core Dance III 30 0 0 30
16768 THEA 3645 001 MTP TAP Dance III 20 0 0 20
11497 THEA 3649 001 Styles for Intermediate 20 0 0 20
12577 THEA 3650 002 MTP Core Dance IV 20 0 0 20
7249 THEA 3652 001 Performance Workshop II 40 0 0 40
6862 THEA 3657 001 MTP Studio: Solos 25 0 0 25
7251 THEA 3659 001 Styles for Advanced 20 0 0 20
3790 THEA 3720 001 History Of Theatre 55 0 0 55
5605 THEA 3725 001 History of Theatre-HON 5 0 0 5
19943 THEA 3790 001 Special Topics 15 0 0 15
17797 THEA 3790 090 Special Topics 5 0 0 5
19375 THEA 3792 090 Queer Theatre 50 0 0 50
9875 THEA 3900 001 SM Seminar 30 0 0 30
13470 THEA 3905 001 PADP Seminar 25 0 0 25
12395 THEA 3910 002 PADP Set Proj I 10 0 0 10
12396 THEA 3911 002 PADP Ltg Proj I 10 0 0 10
13819 THEA 3912 001 ASM Projects 10 0 0 10
12397 THEA 3912 002 ASM Projects 10 0 0 10
13818 THEA 3912 003 ASM Projects 10 0 0 10
13820 THEA 3912 004 ASM Projects 10 0 0 10
12398 THEA 3913 002 PADP Tech Proj I 10 0 0 10
12399 THEA 3914 002 PADP Costume Proj I 10 0 0 10
12400 THEA 3915 002 PADP Sound Proj I 10 0 0 10
12590 THEA 3930 001 Undergrad Research Proj 3 0 0 3
9170 THEA 4007 001 ATP Lab VII 20 0 0 20
6863 THEA 4011 001 Private Voice MTP II 20 0 0 20
15115 THEA 4011 002 Private Voice MTP II 20 0 0 20
15117 THEA 4011 003 Private Voice MTP II 20 0 0 20
6861 THEA 4011 004 Private Voice MTP II 20 0 0 20
11491 THEA 4011 005 Private Voice MTP II 20 0 0 20
11492 THEA 4011 006 Private Voice MTP II 20 0 0 20
11493 THEA 4011 007 Private Voice MTP II 20 0 0 20
11801 THEA 4011 008 Private Voice MTP II 20 0 0 20
19380 THEA 4050 001 Professional Practice 20 0 0 20
9172 THEA 4310 001 Scene Design II 10 0 0 10
16077 THEA 4460 001 Costume Design II 10 0 0 10
16073 THEA 4500 001 Sound Design II 10 0 0 10
19381 THEA 4630 001 Artists in Community 20 0 0 20
7248 THEA 4652 001 Perform. Workshop III 55 0 0 55
7250 THEA 4655 001 MTP Studio: Showcase 30 0 0 30
12731 THEA 4800 001 PADP Intern 10 0 0 10
12402 THEA 4910 002 PADP Set Proj II 10 0 0 10
12401 THEA 4911 002 PADP Ltg Proj II 10 0 0 10
13821 THEA 4912 001 Stg Mgmt Projects 10 0 0 10
12403 THEA 4912 002 Stg Mgmt Projects 10 0 0 10
13822 THEA 4912 003 Stg Mgmt Projects 10 0 0 10
13823 THEA 4912 004 Stg Mgmt Projects 10 0 0 10
12404 THEA 4913 002 PADP Tech Proj II 10 0 0 10
12405 THEA 4914 002 PADP Costume Proj II 10 0 0 10
12406 THEA 4915 002 PADP Sound Proj II 10 0 0 10
12507 THEA 4919 001 Mainstage Performance 20 0 0 20
12506 THEA 4919 002 Mainstage Performance 20 0 0 20
13964 THEA 4919 003 Mainstage Performance 20 0 0 20
12695 THEA 4919 004 Mainstage Performance 5 0 0 5
12505 THEA 4919 006 Mainstage Performance 20 0 0 20
1274 THEA 4950 001 SM Internship 10 0 0 10
12696 THEA 4950 002 SM Internship 5 0 0 5
4118 THEA 4960 001 Portfolio Prep 5 0 0 5