Class # Subject Catalog # Section Title Enrollment Cap Wait List Currently Enrolled Seats Available
11152 PSY 101 001 General Psychology 5 0 0 5
10705 PSY 101 070 General Psychology 2 0 0 2
12817 PSY 108 001 Love and Relationships 3 0 0 3
16573 PSY 230 070 Adult Clinical Psych 2 0 0 2
16534 PSY 314 070 Cognitive Neuropsych 2 0 0 2
7242 PSY 325 070 Child Clinical Psych 2 0 0 2
16535 PSY 326 070 Social Development 2 0 0 2
1246 PSY 1010 001 General Psychology 210 0 0 210
1247 PSY 1010 002 General Psychology 380 0 0 380
10704 PSY 1010 070 General Psychology 38 0 0 38
5832 PSY 1010 090 General Psychology 225 0 0 225
12164 PSY 1080 001 Love and Relationships 136 0 0 136
5802 PSY 2010 001 Psy as a Sci & Profssn 150 0 0 150
6071 PSY 2010 090 Psy as a Sci & Profssn 225 0 0 225
3770 PSY 2100 001 Cognitive Psychology 106 0 0 106
16003 PSY 2100 090 Cognitive Psychology 82 0 0 82
12564 PSY 2200 001 Chldhd/Adlscnt Develop 76 0 0 76
3771 PSY 2250 090 Personality Theories 127 0 0 127
16002 PSY 2300 002 Adult Clinical Psych 75 0 0 75
16275 PSY 2300 070 Adult Clinical Psych 38 0 0 38
3325 PSY 2300 090 Adult Clinical Psych 60 0 0 60
13328 PSY 2500 001 Social Psychology 99 0 0 99
19120 PSY 2500 002 Social Psychology 55 0 0 55
10639 PSY 2500 090 Social Psychology 75 0 0 75
16007 PSY 2710 001 Brain And Behavior 200 0 0 200
13386 PSY 2710 090 Brain And Behavior 60 0 0 60
1300 PSY 3000 001 Statistical Methods Psy 99 0 0 99
1301 PSY 3000 002 Statistical Methods Psy 18 0 0 18
5811 PSY 3000 003 Statistical Methods Psy 17 0 0 17
1302 PSY 3000 004 Statistical Methods Psy 17 0 0 17
5812 PSY 3000 005 Statistical Methods Psy 17 0 0 17
6997 PSY 3000 006 Statistical Methods Psy 15 0 0 15
6998 PSY 3000 007 Statistical Methods Psy 16 0 0 16
14972 PSY 3000 008 Statistical Methods Psy 20 0 0 20
3513 PSY 3000 090 Statistical Methods Psy 175 0 0 175
3527 PSY 3010 001 Research Methods Psych 90 0 0 90
9140 PSY 3010 002 Research Methods Psych 30 0 0 30
9139 PSY 3010 003 Research Methods Psych 30 0 0 30
3528 PSY 3010 004 Research Methods Psych 30 0 0 30
19165 PSY 3010 070 Research Methods Psych 35 0 0 35
4141 PSY 3010 090 Research Methods Psych 64 0 0 64
11521 PSY 3010 091 Research Methods Psych 90 0 0 90
5833 PSY 3040 090 Psych Of Gender 90 0 0 90
19121 PSY 3140 001 Cognitive Neuroscience 80 0 0 80
13166 PSY 3140 070 Cognitive Neuroscience 45 0 0 45
16004 PSY 3140 090 Cognitive Neuroscience 95 0 0 95
14073 PSY 3150 001 Sensation & Perception 93 0 0 93
6844 PSY 3150 090 Sensation & Perception 95 0 0 95
16807 PSY 3172 090 Human Perform & Eng 59 0 0 59
19129 PSY 3215 001 Development in Infancy 80 0 0 80
10647 PSY 3215 090 Development in Infancy 50 0 0 50
14074 PSY 3230 001 Adult Devel And Aging 99 0 0 99
19119 PSY 3250 001 Child Clinical Psych 80 0 0 80
7241 PSY 3250 070 Child Clinical Psych 38 0 0 38
5560 PSY 3250 090 Child Clinical Psych 65 0 0 65
19122 PSY 3260 001 Social Development 99 0 0 99
16276 PSY 3260 070 Social Development 36 0 0 36
20071 PSY 3280 001 Cultural Development 66 0 0 66
16001 PSY 3290 001 Biol Stress/Development 50 0 0 50
12165 PSY 3300 001 Infant Mental Health I 25 0 0 25
15066 PSY 3330 090 Clinical Stress Science 69 0 0 69
19117 PSY 3405 090 Psychology and Law 70 0 0 70
19114 PSY 3415 090 Social Cognition 65 0 0 65
9813 PSY 3450 001 Cross Cultural Psych 110 0 0 110
11494 PSY 3460 001 Health Psychology 88 0 0 88
11282 PSY 3460 090 Health Psychology 100 0 0 100
19113 PSY 3510 001 Industrial Psychology 65 0 0 65
16005 PSY 3960 001 Psych & Social Issues 66 0 0 66
19126 PSY 3960 002 Psych & Social Issues 50 0 0 50
19127 PSY 3960 003 Psych & Social Issues 80 0 0 80
19128 PSY 3960 004 Psych & Social Issues 60 0 0 60
14989 PSY 3960 090 Psych & Social Issues 65 0 0 65
16728 PSY 4963 001 Hon Top Per Soc Psy 10 0 0 10
11655 PSY 4998 001 Honors Thesis Research 20 0 0 20
13769 PSY 4999 001 Honors Thesis/Project 5 0 0 5
19144 PSY 5120 001 Adv Human Cognition 5 0 0 5
19130 PSY 5260 001 Soc Dev across Lifespan 5 0 0 5
7715 PSY 5410 001 Adv Social Psychology 6 0 0 6
5621 PSY 6000 001 First Yr Prof Dev I 16 0 0 16
19145 PSY 6120 001 Adv Human Cognition 15 0 0 15
2850 PSY 6130 001 Cns Research Group 20 0 0 20
19143 PSY 6260 001 Soc Dev across Lifespan 15 0 0 15
3813 PSY 6290 001 Dev/CCF Brown Bag 9 0 0 9
7716 PSY 6330 001 Psychpath Over Lifespan 6 0 0 6
6132 PSY 6391 001 Intro. to Clinical Sci. 10 0 0 10
8344 PSY 6410 001 Adv Social Psychology 14 0 0 14
2346 PSY 6500 001 Quantitative Methds I 20 0 0 20
20074 PSY 6552 001 A Priori Examination 15 0 0 15
19131 PSY 6556 001 Anlys Of Temporal Data 15 0 0 15
4292 PSY 6611 001 Clinical Assessment I 8 0 0 8
1401 PSY 6613 001 Clinical Assessment III 8 0 0 8
3483 PSY 6890 001 Soc Psy Res Group 12 0 0 12
8239 PSY 6891 001 Clin Psy Res Group 15 0 0 15
3482 PSY 6951 010 Directed Reading 15 0 0 15
7717 PSY 6960 001 Topics/Clin Psych (D) 8 0 0 8
5892 PSY 6960 002 Topics/Clin Psych (D) 10 0 0 10
19142 PSY 6960 003 Topics/Clin Psych (D) 10 0 0 10
12785 PSY 6961 001 Pract/Clin Psych (P) 6 0 0 6
5066 PSY 6961 007 Pract/Clin Psych (P) 10 0 0 10
5067 PSY 6961 008 Pract/Clin Psych (P) 10 0 0 10
1407 PSY 7350 001 Prac of Clinical Psych 25 0 0 25
19133 PSY 7510 001 Mad Practicum 15 0 0 15
19141 PSY 7960 001 Topics Develop Psych 10 0 0 10
19132 PSY 7963 001 Soc Psy App Div & Cult 15 0 0 15
19134 PSY 7968 001 Clinical Seminar 10 0 0 10