Class # Subject Catalog # Section Title Enrollment Cap Wait List Currently Enrolled Seats Available
19555 HONOR 2010 001 Special Topics 20 0 0 20
16644 HONOR 2010 002 Special Topics 16 0 0 16
15939 HONOR 2102 001 IT: The Middle Ages 16 0 0 16
12026 HONOR 2103 001 IT: Modernity 22 0 0 22
11201 HONOR 2103 002 IT: Modernity 22 0 0 22
16868 HONOR 2104 002 IT Cross-Cltrl Dialogue 20 0 0 20
15926 HONOR 2106 002 IT Reacting to the Past 25 0 0 25
12859 HONOR 2114 001 IT: Health 20 0 0 20
12625 HONOR 2114 050 IT: Health 20 0 0 20
1002 HONOR 2212 001 American Institutions 22 0 0 22
13203 HONOR 2285 001 Energy and Society 16 0 0 16
19553 HONOR 2285 002 Energy and Society 16 0 0 16
19554 HONOR 2311 050 Writing and Health 20 0 0 20
12031 HONOR 2455 001 Soc. Determ. of Health 22 0 0 22
15930 HONOR 2810 001 Intellectual Traditions 22 0 0 22
12028 HONOR 2810 002 Intellectual Traditions 16 0 0 16
12451 HONOR 2810 003 Intellectual Traditions 22 0 0 22
13317 HONOR 2810 004 Intellectual Traditions 16 0 0 16
14189 HONOR 2810 005 Intellectual Traditions 22 0 0 22
14190 HONOR 2810 006 Intellectual Traditions 20 0 0 20
14339 HONOR 2810 007 Intellectual Traditions 20 0 0 20
14852 HONOR 2810 008 Intellectual Traditions 22 0 0 22
15934 HONOR 2810 009 Intellectual Traditions 20 0 0 20
14871 HONOR 2810 010 Intellectual Traditions 20 0 0 20
15124 HONOR 2810 011 Intellectual Traditions 16 0 0 16
15131 HONOR 2810 012 Intellectual Traditions 16 0 0 16
15409 HONOR 2810 013 Intellectual Traditions 20 0 0 20
19545 HONOR 2810 014 Intellectual Traditions 20 0 0 20
19547 HONOR 2810 016 Intellectual Traditions 20 0 0 20
19548 HONOR 2810 017 Intellectual Traditions 20 0 0 20
19549 HONOR 2810 018 Intellectual Traditions 20 0 0 20
19550 HONOR 2810 052 Intellectual Traditions 20 0 0 20
19950 HONOR 2810 053 Intellectual Traditions 20 0 0 20
13190 HONOR 2870 001 Artfully Extended Mind 22 0 0 22
13191 HONOR 2870 002 Artfully Extended Mind 22 0 0 22
13192 HONOR 2870 003 Artfully Extended Mind 22 0 0 22
19540 HONOR 3161 050 Diversity Seminar 20 0 0 20
19541 HONOR 3161 051 Diversity Seminar 20 0 0 20
1004 HONOR 3200 001 Research University 15 0 0 15
1006 HONOR 3200 002 Research University 16 0 0 16
1008 HONOR 3200 003 Research University 16 0 0 16
15920 HONOR 3200 004 Research University 15 0 0 15
19542 HONOR 3200 090 Research University 16 0 0 16
11466 HONOR 3214 001 Foundations/Soc Sci 15 0 0 15
19559 HONOR 3290 001 People and Nature 15 0 0 15
1010 HONOR 3500 001 Honors Internship 10 0 0 10
12029 HONOR 3601 001 Int Trad: Latin America 20 0 0 20
14657 HONOR 3601 002 Int Trad: Latin America 20 0 0 20
12030 HONOR 3601 050 Int Trad: Latin America 15 0 0 15
19551 HONOR 3602 001 IT: Africa 20 0 0 20
19552 HONOR 3602 002 IT: Africa 20 0 0 20
12358 HONOR 3700 001 Honors Praxis Lab 14 0 0 14
14188 HONOR 3700 002 Honors Praxis Lab 14 0 0 14
13293 HONOR 3700 003 Honors Praxis Lab 14 0 0 14
14429 HONOR 3950 001 International Seminar 16 0 0 16
19544 HONOR 3950 002 International Seminar 16 0 0 16
1016 HONOR 4999 001 Hon Thesis/Project 10 0 0 10