Class # Subject Catalog # Section Title Enrollment Cap Wait List Currently Enrolled Seats Available
4992 H EDU 59 001 Advanced EMT 3 0 0 3
10366 H EDU 295 001 Intro to Wilderness Med 5 0 0 5
11556 H EDU 295 090 Intro to Wilderness Med 10 0 0 10
1779 H EDU 303 001 Medical Terminology 10 0 0 10
12337 H EDU 315 090 Hlth & Human Relations 1 0 0 1
12335 H EDU 319 090 Death And Dying 2 0 0 2
12336 H EDU 335 091 Eating Dis & Body Image 2 0 0 2
17078 H EDU 351 090 Driver Education 50 0 0 50
6683 H EDU 353 090 Medical Spanish 5 0 0 5
12338 H EDU 431 090 Hlth Promotion-Marketng 2 0 0 2
6591 H EDU 452 001 High-Angle Rescue Tech 1 0 0 1
5658 H EDU 475 001 Fnd of Search & Rescue 3 0 0 3
3725 H EDU 1010 090 Healthy Lifestyles 110 0 0 110
14335 H EDU 1020 001 Intro Health Profession 50 0 0 50
1267 H EDU 1030 090 Substance Use/Abuse 32 0 0 32
11564 H EDU 2000 001 First Aid and CPR 12 0 0 12
10531 H EDU 2000 002 First Aid and CPR 12 0 0 12
10532 H EDU 2000 003 First Aid and CPR 12 0 0 12
16847 H EDU 2000 004 First Aid and CPR 12 0 0 12
16891 H EDU 2020 002 Community Hlth Issues 75 0 0 75
13814 H EDU 2040 090 Human Sexuality 50 0 0 50
20016 H EDU 2060 090 Stress Management 70 0 0 70
10528 H EDU 2520 001 Intro Occup Safety Hlth 20 0 0 20
3313 H EDU 3030 001 Medical Terminology 75 0 0 75
6584 H EDU 3035 090 Medical Spanish 25 0 0 25
1270 H EDU 3150 090 Hlth & Human Relations 75 0 0 75
1788 H EDU 3190 090 Death And Dying 75 0 0 75
6561 H EDU 3350 090 Eating Dis & Body Image 75 0 0 75
17074 H EDU 3510 090 Driver Education 50 0 0 50
10527 H EDU 3530 001 Workplace Hazard Recog 20 0 0 20
10529 H EDU 3550 001 Workplace Hlth Exposure 10 0 0 10
5971 H EDU 3920 001 Individual Study 5 0 0 5
16930 H EDU 3950 001 EMS Instructor 15 0 0 15
1268 H EDU 4200 001 Found of Comm Hlth 35 0 0 35
11197 H EDU 4220 001 Comm Hlth Program Eval 18 0 0 18
11198 H EDU 4230 090 Health Tchg Sec Schools 15 0 0 15
11397 H EDU 4250 001 Facilitating Hlth Behav 25 0 0 25
8509 H EDU 4295 001 Foundations of EMS 50 0 0 50
1266 H EDU 4300 001 Intr Research/Assessmnt 100 0 0 100
14836 H EDU 4310 090 Hlth Promotion-Marketng 35 0 0 35
8510 H EDU 4450 001 Pathophysiology for EMS 35 0 0 35
15237 H EDU 4466 002 Appl Hlth & Fitness Ax 1 0 0 1
6583 H EDU 4520 001 High-Angle Rescue Tech 16 0 0 16
12323 H EDU 4530 001 Adv. High-Angle Rescue 8 0 0 8
4904 H EDU 4600 001 Health Practicum I 25 0 0 25
6809 H EDU 4650 090 A & P for Health 50 0 0 50
10530 H EDU 4660 001 Applied Anat & Phys 10 0 0 10
5096 H EDU 4750 001 Fnd of Search & Rescue 25 0 0 25
4865 H EDU 4999 001 Honors Thesis/Project 2 0 0 2
5147 H EDU 5060 001 Global Health Promotion 78 0 0 78
11526 H EDU 5100 090 Health Care In The U.S. 40 0 0 40
4127 H EDU 5300 090 Diversity & Health 50 0 0 50
17071 H EDU 5300 091 Diversity & Health 50 0 0 50
17072 H EDU 5300 092 Diversity & Health 50 0 0 50
7504 H EDU 5370 090 Health & Optimal Aging 15 0 0 15
8703 H EDU 5750 001 EMT Recertification 2 0 0 2
4171 H EDU 5900 001 Research Practicum 35 0 0 35
5626 H EDU 5950 001 EMT Training 30 0 0 30
7988 H EDU 5950 002 EMT Training 30 0 0 30
4905 H EDU 5970 001 Advanced EMT 20 0 0 20
1413 H EDU 5990 001 Comm Health Internship 40 0 0 40
11399 H EDU 5991 001 EMS Internship 20 0 0 20
11400 H EDU 5992 001 OSH Internship 20 0 0 20
20075 H EDU 6000 001 Found/Theory of Hlth Pr 10 0 0 10
20052 H EDU 6050 001 Program Planning 10 0 0 10
3951 H EDU 7370 001 Teaching Practicum 10 0 0 10
1362 H EDU 7990 001 Continuing Registration 45 0 0 45