Class # Subject Catalog # Section Title Enrollment Cap Wait List Currently Enrolled Seats Available
7030 GEO 104 001 World of Dinosaurs 4 0 0 4
19975 GEO 105 090 National Parks Geology 2 0 0 2
14695 GEO 110 001 Evolving Earth 2 0 0 2
14696 GEO 210 001 Reactive Earth 2 0 0 2
18153 GEO 210 002 Reactive Earth 2 0 0 2
4911 GEO 1000 001 Science in Cinema 500 0 0 500
12842 GEO 1030 090 Living with Quakes 325 0 0 325
9677 GEO 1040 001 World of Dinosaurs 500 0 0 500
15872 GEO 1050 090 National Parks Geology 325 0 0 325
9965 GEO 1100 001 Evolving Earth 50 0 0 50
15879 GEO 1120 002 Earth System Science 100 0 0 100
18234 GEO 1900 001 Lwr Div UG Research 15 0 0 15
9966 GEO 2100 001 Reactive Earth 25 0 0 25
10375 GEO 2100 002 Reactive Earth 25 0 0 25
9967 GEO 2500 001 Wasatch in the Field 50 0 0 50
15877 GEO 3020 001 Mineralogy 25 0 0 25
15878 GEO 3020 002 Mineralogy 25 0 0 25
12372 GEO 3040 001 Sedimentology & Stratig 30 0 0 30
12373 GEO 3040 002 Sedimentology & Stratig 30 0 0 30
10548 GEO 3100 001 Dynamic Earth 25 0 0 25
19371 GEO 3250 001 Geology of Utah 25 0 0 25
12210 GEO 3400 001 Computational Methods 15 0 0 15
14182 GEO 3400 002 Computational Methods 15 0 0 15
3681 GEO 3900 001 Upr Div Undergrad Res 10 0 0 10
3682 GEO 4970 001 Senior Thesis 5 0 0 5
12415 GEO 4999 001 Honors Thesis/Project 5 0 0 5
11730 GEO 5210 090 Seismology I 13 0 0 13
3683 GEO 5250 001 Inversion Theory 10 0 0 10
19370 GEO 5265 001 The Magnetic Earth 10 0 0 10
19372 GEO 5320 001 Signal Processing 10 0 0 10
3684 GEO 5350 001 Groundwater 30 0 0 30
19373 GEO 5370 001 Environ. Contaminants 10 0 0 10
12843 GEO 5650 001 Hydrology 15 0 0 15
15880 GEO 5660 001 Geochemistry 20 0 0 20
19367 GEO 5680 001 Carbon Cycle 15 0 0 15
3685 GEO 5900 001 Internship 15 0 0 15
3686 GEO 5920 001 Special Topics 2 0 0 2
16932 GEO 5920 004 Special Topics 5 0 0 5
18006 GEO 5920 006 Special Topics 5 0 0 5
15882 GEO 5920 090 Special Topics 15 0 0 15
11729 GEO 6211 090 Seismology I 5 0 0 5
3687 GEO 6250 001 Inversion Theory & Apps 15 0 0 15
19369 GEO 6265 001 The Magnetic Earth 10 0 0 10
19365 GEO 6320 001 Signal Processing 10 0 0 10
3688 GEO 6350 001 Groundwater 8 0 0 8
19364 GEO 6370 001 Environ. Contaminants 10 0 0 10
12844 GEO 6650 001 Hydrology 5 0 0 5
15871 GEO 6660 001 Geochemistry 7 0 0 7
19368 GEO 6680 001 Carbon Cycle 5 0 0 5
3689 GEO 6920 001 Special Topics 2 0 0 2
13124 GEO 6920 004 Special Topics 5 0 0 5
13438 GEO 6920 005 Special Topics 7 0 0 7
13455 GEO 6920 006 Special Topics 10 0 0 10
17146 GEO 6920 009 Special Topics 10 0 0 10
18158 GEO 6920 010 Special Topics 5 0 0 5
15885 GEO 6920 090 Special Topics 3 0 0 3
3691 GEO 6950 001 Reviews Earth Sci 15 0 0 15
3693 GEO 6970 001 Thesis Research-Masters 5 0 0 5
3692 GEO 6980 001 Faculty Consultation 5 0 0 5
19366 GEO 7320 001 Signal Processing 10 0 0 10
3706 GEO 7970 001 Thesis Research-Ph D 5 0 0 5
15360 GEO 7970 031 Thesis Research-Ph D 5 0 0 5
3719 GEO 7980 001 Faculty Consultation 5 0 0 5
3720 GEO 7990 001 Cont Reg-Ph D 5 0 0 5