Class # Subject Catalog # Section Title Enrollment Cap Wait List Currently Enrolled Seats Available
11901 CS 1400 001 Intro Comp Programming 250 0 0 250
12245 CS 1400 002 Intro Comp Programming 30 0 0 30
11902 CS 1400 003 Intro Comp Programming 30 0 0 30
11903 CS 1400 004 Intro Comp Programming 30 0 0 30
11904 CS 1400 005 Intro Comp Programming 30 0 0 30
12218 CS 1400 006 Intro Comp Programming 30 0 0 30
12219 CS 1400 007 Intro Comp Programming 30 0 0 30
13197 CS 1400 020 Intro Comp Programming 250 0 0 250
13205 CS 1400 022 Intro Comp Programming 30 0 0 30
13706 CS 1400 023 Intro Comp Programming 30 0 0 30
14297 CS 1400 024 Intro Comp Programming 30 0 0 30
14298 CS 1400 025 Intro Comp Programming 30 0 0 30
14299 CS 1400 026 Intro Comp Programming 30 0 0 30
14300 CS 1400 027 Intro Comp Programming 30 0 0 30
13031 CS 1410 001 Object-Oriented Prog 165 0 0 165
13033 CS 1410 003 Object-Oriented Prog 30 0 0 30
13034 CS 1410 004 Object-Oriented Prog 30 0 0 30
13035 CS 1410 005 Object-Oriented Prog 30 0 0 30
13036 CS 1410 006 Object-Oriented Prog 30 0 0 30
12699 CS 1420 001 Accel Obj-Orient Prog 200 0 0 200
12701 CS 1420 003 Accel Obj-Orient Prog 30 0 0 30
12702 CS 1420 004 Accel Obj-Orient Prog 30 0 0 30
12703 CS 1420 005 Accel Obj-Orient Prog 30 0 0 30
12704 CS 1420 006 Accel Obj-Orient Prog 30 0 0 30
12705 CS 1420 007 Accel Obj-Orient Prog 30 0 0 30
16196 CS 1420 020 Accel Obj-Orient Prog 200 0 0 200
16197 CS 1420 021 Accel Obj-Orient Prog 30 0 0 30
16198 CS 1420 022 Accel Obj-Orient Prog 30 0 0 30
16199 CS 1420 023 Accel Obj-Orient Prog 30 0 0 30
16200 CS 1420 024 Accel Obj-Orient Prog 30 0 0 30
16201 CS 1420 025 Accel Obj-Orient Prog 30 0 0 30
14970 CS 1960 002 Special Topics 28 0 0 28
15040 CS 1960 004 Special Topics 28 0 0 28
15041 CS 1960 005 Special Topics 28 0 0 28
11608 CS 2100 001 Discrete Structures 120 0 0 120
11905 CS 2100 002 Discrete Structures 40 0 0 40
11610 CS 2100 003 Discrete Structures 40 0 0 40
11609 CS 2100 004 Discrete Structures 40 0 0 40
16185 CS 2100 020 Discrete Structures 120 0 0 120
16186 CS 2100 021 Discrete Structures 40 0 0 40
16187 CS 2100 022 Discrete Structures 40 0 0 40
16188 CS 2100 023 Discrete Structures 40 0 0 40
11611 CS 2420 001 Intro Alg & Data Struct 230 0 0 230
11613 CS 2420 003 Intro Alg & Data Struct 30 0 0 30
11614 CS 2420 004 Intro Alg & Data Struct 30 0 0 30
11615 CS 2420 005 Intro Alg & Data Struct 30 0 0 30
12220 CS 2420 006 Intro Alg & Data Struct 30 0 0 30
12221 CS 2420 007 Intro Alg & Data Struct 30 0 0 30
14303 CS 2420 020 Intro Alg & Data Struct 230 0 0 230
14305 CS 2420 022 Intro Alg & Data Struct 30 0 0 30
14306 CS 2420 023 Intro Alg & Data Struct 30 0 0 30
14312 CS 2420 024 Intro Alg & Data Struct 30 0 0 30
14313 CS 2420 025 Intro Alg & Data Struct 30 0 0 30
14307 CS 2420 026 Intro Alg & Data Struct 30 0 0 30
6678 CS 3020 001 Research Forum 75 0 0 75
16659 CS 3090 001 Ethics in Computing 80 0 0 80
15111 CS 3130 001 Eng Prob Stats 67 0 0 67
12343 CS 3130 002 Eng Prob Stats 111 0 0 111
9846 CS 3190 001 Found. of Data Analysis 180 0 0 180
11906 CS 3390 001 Ethics in Data Science 55 0 0 55
11616 CS 3500 001 Software Practice 210 0 0 210
11617 CS 3500 002 Software Practice 30 0 0 30
11618 CS 3500 003 Software Practice 28 0 0 28
11619 CS 3500 004 Software Practice 30 0 0 30
12226 CS 3500 007 Software Practice 30 0 0 30
12227 CS 3500 008 Software Practice 30 0 0 30
12228 CS 3500 009 Software Practice 30 0 0 30
16202 CS 3500 020 Software Practice 211 0 0 211
16203 CS 3500 021 Software Practice 30 0 0 30
16204 CS 3500 022 Software Practice 30 0 0 30
16205 CS 3500 023 Software Practice 30 0 0 30
16208 CS 3500 026 Software Practice 30 0 0 30
16209 CS 3500 027 Software Practice 30 0 0 30
16210 CS 3500 028 Software Practice 30 0 0 30
8045 CS 3505 001 Software Practice II 215 0 0 215
8047 CS 3505 003 Software Practice II 33 0 0 33
8048 CS 3505 004 Software Practice II 33 0 0 33
8705 CS 3505 005 Software Practice II 33 0 0 33
12236 CS 3505 006 Software Practice II 33 0 0 33
12237 CS 3505 007 Software Practice II 33 0 0 33
12238 CS 3505 008 Software Practice II 33 0 0 33
14310 CS 3520 001 Programming Languages 130 0 0 130
8696 CS 3540 001 Design Human Center Sys 136 0 0 136
14302 CS 3550 001 Web Software Dev I 150 0 0 150
11245 CS 3700 001 Digital System Design 10 0 0 10
11246 CS 3700 002 Digital System Design 3 0 0 3
12444 CS 3700 004 Digital System Design 3 0 0 3
12445 CS 3700 005 Digital System Design 3 0 0 3
3224 CS 3710 001 Computer Design Lab 15 0 0 15
11620 CS 3810 001 Computer Organization 220 0 0 220
3993 CS 3991 001 CE Junior Seminar 35 0 0 35
7329 CS 4000 001 Senior Capstone Design 200 0 0 200
8575 CS 4150 001 Algorithms 211 0 0 211
9843 CS 4230 001 Parallel Programming 35 0 0 35
13043 CS 4300 001 Artificial Intelligence 150 0 0 150
4392 CS 4400 001 Computer Systems 260 0 0 260
8697 CS 4400 002 Computer Systems 33 0 0 33
8698 CS 4400 003 Computer Systems 33 0 0 33
11243 CS 4400 004 Computer Systems 33 0 0 33
12239 CS 4400 005 Computer Systems 33 0 0 33
16189 CS 4400 007 Computer Systems 33 0 0 33
16190 CS 4400 008 Computer Systems 33 0 0 33
16191 CS 4400 009 Computer Systems 33 0 0 33
17199 CS 4400 010 Computer Systems 33 0 0 33
14294 CS 4440 001 Computer Security 100 0 0 100
9182 CS 4500 001 Senior Capstone Project 105 0 0 105
16195 CS 4530 001 Mobile App Programming 145 0 0 145
7707 CS 4600 001 Computer Graphics 150 0 0 150
3510 CS 4710 001 Comptr Eng Sr Project 25 0 0 25
17851 CS 4960 001 Special Topics 8 0 0 8
19874 CS 4962 001 Special Topics 20 0 0 20
19875 CS 4963 001 Special Topics 40 0 0 40
3994 CS 4991 001 CE Senior Thesis I 15 0 0 15
19877 CS 5140 001 Data Mining 60 0 0 60
8573 CS 5150 001 Advanced Algorithms 30 0 0 30
19881 CS 5310 001 Robotics I: Mechanics 10 0 0 10
14803 CS 5320 001 Computer Vision 40 0 0 40
16211 CS 5340 001 Natural Language 50 0 0 50
13040 CS 5353 001 Deep Learning 40 0 0 40
19973 CS 5620 001 Render with Ray Tracing 10 0 0 10
13042 CS 5630 001 Vis for Data Science 37 0 0 37
13443 CS 5710 001 Digital VLSI Design 2 0 0 2
19876 CS 5956 001 Special Topics 100 0 0 100
19872 CS 5966 001 Special Topics 10 0 0 10
9523 CS 6010 001 MSD: Intro Software Dev 60 0 0 60
9524 CS 6011 001 MSD: Comp Programming 60 0 0 60
9525 CS 6012 001 MSD: Data Struct Algo 60 0 0 60
10180 CS 6018 001 MSD: App System Design 60 0 0 60
10181 CS 6019 001 MSD Project 20 0 0 20
19878 CS 6140 001 Data Mining 70 0 0 70
5188 CS 6150 001 Graduate Algorithms 126 0 0 126
16192 CS 6160 001 Computational Geometry 15 0 0 15
11244 CS 6230 001 Parallel Computing HPC 25 0 0 25
16213 CS 6300 001 Artificial Intelligence 100 0 0 100
1354 CS 6310 001 Robotics I: Mechanics 10 0 0 10
14804 CS 6320 001 Computer Vision 40 0 0 40
16212 CS 6340 001 Natural Language 50 0 0 50
8044 CS 6350 001 Machine Learning 106 0 0 106
13041 CS 6353 001 Deep Learning 80 0 0 80
14296 CS 6520 001 Programming Language 35 0 0 35
13626 CS 6530 001 Adv. Database Systems 60 0 0 60
11908 CS 6540 001 Human/Computer Interact 45 0 0 45
19884 CS 6620 001 Render with Ray Tracing 60 0 0 60
13044 CS 6630 001 Vis for Data Science 110 0 0 110
5815 CS 6640 001 Image Processing 53 0 0 53
13442 CS 6710 001 Digital VLSI Design 15 0 0 15
11464 CS 6800 001 MSD Capstone Internship 10 0 0 10
9859 CS 6810 001 Computer Architecture 115 0 0 115
15081 CS 6958 001 Special Topics 16 0 0 16
19885 CS 6961 001 Special Topics 6 0 0 6
19886 CS 6962 001 Special Topics 20 0 0 20
19873 CS 6966 001 Special Topics 10 0 0 10
4336 CS 7930 001 Advanced Seminar 60 0 0 60
13312 CS 7933 002 Advanced Seminar 15 0 0 15
4598 CS 7934 001 Advanced Seminar 20 0 0 20
15581 CS 7936 001 Advanced Seminar 40 0 0 40
12697 CS 7937 002 Advanced Seminar 7 0 0 7
5686 CS 7938 001 Advanced Seminar 25 0 0 25
4784 CS 7939 001 Advanced Seminar 15 0 0 15
19883 CS 7940 001 Seminar 10 0 0 10
16895 CS 7941 002 Advanced Seminar 50 0 0 50
12803 CS 7942 001 Advanced Seminar 20 0 0 20