Course Detail
Course Components:
Enrollment Information
Enrollment Requirement:
Corequisites: BIOEN 6081 OR BME 6081
First semester of a two semester course sequence focused on the process of strategic analysis of complex clinical problem solving through evaluation of diagnostic processes, current therapeutic approaches, and clinical outcomes. Students will learn to critically evaluate real-world clinical problems from a global perspective, and then identify diagnostic and therapeutic deficiencies that can be addressed through the process of innovating medical technologies. The academic-based lectures in clinical problem solving through bioinnovation will be reinforced through applied application of course material in clinic-based workshops. The course will provide the academic foundation for mastery of the entire spectrum of the problem solving process from clinical needs finding to need analysis, concept generation and refinement to prototyping, intellectual property protection, and business planning. The text-based lecture series will be complimented with interactive lectures that provide real-world examples of the medical innovation process given by guest lecturers who have successfully navigated the strategic biodesign process and impacted healthcare through innovating technologies. The first semester of this course sequence will focus on clinical needs finding, needs screening, concept generation, and concept selection.