Course Detail
Course Components:
Enrollment Information
Enrollment Requirement:
Prerequisites: "B-" or better in PED 5900.
This course will build off of research principles covered in PED 5900. Class content will be based on the given semester's studies, as well as student interests. Students who participate in this course have an opportunity to work in a clinical setting, gain exposure to clinical research, and develop relationships with Department of Pediatrics faculty. The IRB Human Subject Research Training program will also be utilized in the course. All 5901 students will have the opportunity to obtain Leadership Experience for assisting with training the 5900 students. Students will receive 4 credit hours for 6hours/week clinical work, 5 credit hours for 9hours/week, or 6 credit hours for 12 hours/week.There will be a mandatory course orientation on the Friday before classes begin. Information regarding hospital access paperwork will be published on Canvas and sent to each student's Umail account about one month prior to semester start date. Please check Canvas and Umail frequently for further updates.